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An Enjoyable Day Out. (Part 2)


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'The Poacher' and me decided to go back to where we went last Sunday, to see if we can bag a few more crows/jackdaw's.

We set up at 7.30am, and shot our first crow within 10 minutes. The crows and jackdaws were not coming in, as they did last week, and the weather also played it's part. We had very strong winds, then heavy rain, then sunshine, so a mix of them all.

We had a lull of over 1.5 hours, with nothing coming in, and not even any birds in the air. At about 2pm, we decided to call it a day. Our bag, although not as good as last week, was 10 crows, and 12 jackdaw's. One of the crows had white colouring through it's feathers, and we also saw a few more flying past (that we missed!) with the same colour. Despite the weather, and lack of birds, we both enjoyed the morning out. We did notice about 15 crows about 3 fields away, and we are going to try our luck there, next time.

My thanks to Mark for another enjoyable day.


The attached photographs show todays bag, and some pic's of the scenery around us.

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