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704yd Hare V-Maxed


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This evening I managed a new PB on the long range hunting front, a 704yd hare.


I first spotted the hare at 500yds but the wind was a 3 oclock crosswind at that point and I didn't like the idea of judging an unpredictable crosswind so I moved to a neighbouring farm and took the shot from 700yds with the wind blowing full in my face.


Luckily the hare didnt move and was still on the same spot 15 minutes later after I had moved.


I ranged the hare which was difficult to do as the light was falling and the Nikon rangefinder wouldn't pick up my target so I used the nearby hedge to get as good a range as possible.


I tried 5 different times and the range changed from 698-715 but it also showed 704 on 3 separate occasions, so I went for 704yds.


I was using my Tikka T3 Super Varmint in .243Win and my drop chart showed 15.5MOA drop and due to the wind being head on I had no windage to worry about.


I set up my mat and sandbags and got the Nightforce reticule on target, checked the range once again and took the shot.




The hare did a 4ft verticle jump and came to rest in a writhing heap. I thought I had winged it so quickly got my gear together and returned to the car, drove down the lane to the adjoining field and checked out my target. There was no need to worry. The balistic tip had done its job and took the heart and lung clean out.


The hare is now hanging up in my garden and will be skinned and frozen tomorrow.


Am I chuffed or what !!!

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I can't make out whether you are just an over keen newbie that has no common sense or ethics, a ********ter, or a troll here to get a reaction.


As has already been said on other forums that you frequent and post......For christ's sake pal please sell your rifle and take up knitting. :good: .

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Still a totally unethical shot however it was done (or not) :lol:





Lets not start that one, there are far too many things about the situation you do not know to make a comment like that.


It's a long way sure, but many can shoot just as well, if not better, and even further!


I know at least a couple of people I would put money on to make that sort of a shot, (neither of them is me though...I'd have an each way on me)! :oops::good:

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The OP got his FAC on 17th May this year, see >here<. At that stage, he had no rifles (center fire or otherwise).


So, he's now knocking off hare's at exactly .4 of a mile not 5 months later (including the time taken to purchase rifles, scopes, ammo, cleaning gear, zero in etc.). Also I would bet that if he did get his FAC on 17th May and a .243 c/fire on first application then I would bet a penny to a pound it had a mentor condition on it. So even if he did spend 5 months living on a range and working out the 8 to 9 feet of hold over for such a shot, well his mentor would have had spent the same time.


All rather unlikely.

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I have no problem with people trying long range shots on targets but taking a 700 yard shot with a .243 on a live target is madness. If this is a genuine story, why even consider it? Just a tiny error, or change of wind speed/direction could have left that hare horribly maimed and for how long? Until the moron got his gear together and into his car and drove over to where it lay. Hardly the sort of attitude I would support.

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I have no problem with people trying long range shots on targets but taking a 700 yard shot with a .243 on a live target is madness. If this is a genuine story, why even consider it? Just a tiny error, or change of wind speed/direction could have left that hare horribly maimed and for how long? Until the moron got his gear together and into his car and drove over to where it lay. Hardly the sort of attitude I would support.



To play devils advocate for a minute, at just which point does anyone cease to be a moron and become an excellent shot? :good:

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The OP got his FAC on 17th May this year, see >here<. At that stage, he had no rifles (center fire or otherwise).


So, he's now knocking off hare's at exactly .4 of a mile not 5 months later (including the time taken to purchase rifles, scopes, ammo, cleaning gear, zero in etc.). Also I would bet that if he did get his FAC on 17th May and a .243 c/fire on first application then I would bet a penny to a pound it had a mentor condition on it. So even if he did spend 5 months living on a range and working out the 8 to 9 feet of hold over for such a shot, well his mentor would have had spent the same time.


All rather unlikely.



That does throw an interesting light on the situation!


But one of my lads does not even have an FAC, has put about 20 rounds through my .22lr and about 6 through my .223 TOTAL in his life, and he can shoot ******* well! :good::oops:


I am not making any value judgement on the OP, and for all I know it may be ********, but there are too many that judge from their own viewpoint/ability.


Who has not tried to push the boundry a bit (or a lot)? :lol::lol:

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To play devils advocate for a minute, at just which point does anyone cease to be a moron and become an excellent shot? :oops:


Well after 5 months of having your first FAC :good:


We are talking about at least 9 feet of hold over and who knows what for wind and if the land is uneven or if there is a height differential between the shooter and the quarry.


I agree with Boris - it's not exactly fair on the Hare when "getting a bit nearer" would made things so much more straightforward in terms of taking a shot and hoping for a clean kill.


I can kill anything consistently at 150 yards or less. What do you think the consistency is like at 700 yards plus? How many get winged or nicked etc. So, why bother. Why not just get a bit nearer?


Each to their own, it's all rather irrelevant since this whole thread would make anyone's roses grow.

Edited by Mungler
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Sounds like good shooting, but forgeting the bullet drop and wind, how big would the target area be at that range. I have shot at figure 11 targets at 600 yards, and they look really small.


Yes, and apparently it was a hare heart and lung shot to boot.


Now that's accuracy :good:


I was interested to note that the heart and lungs shot was with a .243 ballistic tip and that the hare is waiting to be skinned. I have found shooting hares or rabbits with a hornet ballistic tip and there is very little left in the way of hare or rabbit.


It's all BS but it's been well written and it was entertaining :oops:

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lol at the comments towards bob, he surly is a natural born killer lol a hare is a feasable target at 700 but with a straight .243 there is a lot of margin for error, for something live it truley is a long way with such a little pill, not sure about the hare it but i have shot rabbits at them ranges with 6.5*284 fairly consistantly but only after having a cert for 16 years and building upi to it. by increasing calibre and increasing ranges with tehm

yes he probably did hit it, but how many shots did it take and add the wind facter for a next time i am not so sure. after all a hare sized object is no harder to hit than a rabbit at 600 or squirrels at 300 its all relative



a hare is roughly 15-18 inches tall target wise when its sitting alert and thats an awfull lot of extra drop if you do get your drop sheets/ figures wrong


and beleive me if you wound a hare by any chance they make the most god damed awfull noise

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i di hear he was going for a head shot but it was licking its arm put so endded up with a body shot also thinking about it, you hit a rabbit hare or any small thin skinned animal awith a b/tip you aint going to tell if you hit it in the gut heart or **** hole

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Try a Google on this and see! :good:


.243 1000 yard world record.



This really is pointless. What are you running on about?


No one disputes that you can't shoot a .243 to 700 yards, but if you look at that 1000 yard world record clip it's some anal bench rest shooter who has probably been doing it forever and home loading since the age of 5. It's also at *paper* so if there's an error it doesn't matter if the paper gets maimed and runs off never to be found again.

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This really is pointless. What are you running on about?


No one disputes that you can't shoot a .243 to 700 yards, but if you look at that 1000 yard world record clip it's some anal bench rest shooter who has probably been doing it forever and home loading since the age of 5. It's also at *paper* so if there's an error it doesn't matter if the paper gets maimed and runs off never to be found again.



My comments earlier...


I am not making any value judgement on the OP, and for all I know it may be ******** but there are too many that judge from their own viewpoint/ability.




To play devils advocate for a minute, at just which point does anyone cease to be a moron and become an excellent shot? :oops:



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