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Which is the best game fair?


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I understand that the CLA game fair (in hamphshire this year) is the best event, which runs over 2/3 days. end of July


That said, its a bit far for me to go, so I'll probably make the midland game fair if one's happening this year.


Anyone know?:lol::D

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I was a bit of a game fair addict but I find them a little boring these days so I only go to a couple a year.


It all depends what you are looking for..


Shopping - the reason most people go nowdays it has to be the Midland in September


Massive event - The CLA, used to move every year but I beleive it will only be in 5 venues from now on, normally in July as Bindi says


'Proper' Game fair - Highclere near Newbury, small and friendly in May


Indoor with a great foodhall/drinkhall - The Westcountry Shepton Mallet in March


I have never been to one up North or in Scotland, the boys up there can speak of those, I understand some of them are very good.




Yes, the Midland is on, it doesn't change venue or date always Mid September and always Weston Park.

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Bit early in the year for me to commit, but that sounds like a good idea.

I can recommend the Cider there, I never drink it anywhere else, but when the sun is out, well you know the rest...


Don't do what I did, got a bit 'merry' and then go shopping :*)


More details about the fair here:


Midland Game Fair

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I am hoping to travel with a few of my mates to a game fair in england this year and was just wondering could you recomend which is the best one to attend in your opinion?

We would be looking for one that covers all aspects of fieldsports


Cheers in advance lads and ladys :D



This would be the fair, if you are travelling, or only going to one.

You may find it very commercial and quite far removed from they used to be all about, lots of wealthy types meeting up with old friends/other wealthy landowners.


If you haven't seen them before (and unfortunately I have) the demo's of fly casting, falconry, ferreting etc etc can be very entertaining.



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I've done all of the major Game Fairs over the years, I can't say which is the best, as it depends what you are going for.


I don't bother going any longer as the queues to get into and out of the venue can be absolutely horrendous, it spoils the day for me.


Make sure you take plenty of money with you, as don't forget you'll be in rip off Britain and be expected to pay £4.99 for a lukewarm, soggy hot dog...!!



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Catamong is right the queues into the cla when it was at Oxford were a joke. Last year was much better at Belvior Castle. But if you are going this year go early because access to Broadlands is about as bad as it gets, Romsey will be hell for 3 days and the M27 will probably be a joke as well.


I can recommend the CLA in general though. I think there is a bit of Ra Ra (more so than the Midland) but loads of displays and stuff to buy keeps me happy.

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I never have a problem getting in/out of any of these fairs, but I learned the hard way :lol:


Get there early, and I mean early we get to the Midland about 8am drive straight in and have breakfast and wait for it to get going.


Last time the CLA was in Broadlands we got dropped off about a mile away and just walked past all the stationary traffic on the way in, job done :D

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I think you may mean the Westcountry as it is held there. This is better than the Bath and West Show though as the B&WS is too townie. They have that ugly great funfair and the RSPCA and animal rights groups have stands trying to get people to campaign against shooting. They tried getting me involved... BIG MISTAKE after I was able to tell them the species of baby bird they had there but I think it was quite funny when I looked at their campaign they had beeen running all day with a grand total of ... wait for it... 14 signatures. :D


I showed up the guy on the RSPB stand when he asked me if I could name all the birds on the board behind him.l I got all 33 correct and had a debate on whether ta bird Tern was an Arctic Tern or a Sandwich Tern. The other expert got the bird book out and dually found the RSPB man to be wrong and offered me a job. :) They then asked if I was a member. I already was. One good thing about the Westcountry game fair is there is no anti shooting organisations stands there. (The RSPB are not against shooting) :(


FM :lol:

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