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apple cooker

new to the flock

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Okay years ago my Uncle , who has passed away 12 years ago, told me about a contraption called a honey burn for attracting bears to your stand while hunting. Now I have used this device with great success over the years, and have killed alot of bears with it. Over the years I can only recall 2 other hunters ever using this device to hunt with, most fluffed it off as an old wives tale or a field joke. Those of us that did use it kept our mouths shut. I know I could smell one 1/2 a mile away when my buddy was using it at his stand one day.


Earlier this year I started playing with the burner to call in raccoons by slightly changing the ingedients. Started to use honey and a annise and was surprised at how well it worked. I was also surprised to start seeing a number of deer ghosting in and out of the area. Now I hunt with alot of scents during a season some of which are sexual such as doe estrus, and some curiosity such as food sources. I was putting the deer that I was seeing down to curiosity as the rut was not in effect yet.


So now I started to wonder how to use the burner deer hunting. At the start of season the rut was not in so was trying for a food scent that would bring deer in. Funny thing is got it right the very first time, 1/2 an apple and a small bottle of apple juice went into the burner. It was great watching deer travel 400 and 500 yards in a straight line homing in on the boiler, also had deer coming from god knows where from downwind in the timber. Had 2 deer walk in a straight line across one field from a neighbouring woodlot and basically put their noses on it.


With about a week left in season I was brousing a site dealing with hunting in Ontario when I come across a post talking about an apple burner. Turns out I was not the only one to think to try this and the chap was posting was talking about how it was his Grandfathers trick, was saying how well it worked , and posted how to make it. Well there were a bunch of others that tried it in the last 4 days of season and almost all of them saw and took deer . Most saw deer within 25 minutes of the burner coming to a boil.


So here you go I hope this helps you guys out.



How To Make An Apple Burner


Material: 1 gal. paint can...new never had paint in it..., 1 small coffee can, 1 tent peg or strong nail, 10 pkg of unscented tea candles


Important: Remove labels from cans...Laugh but you'd be surprised!


Step 1: Drill two holes through the smaller can approxamately 1 inch below the open end. These holes should be opposite each other.


Step 2: Drill 2 holes through the large can opposite each other. These hole should be at a hight that when the small cans hole are alined with them , the small can will sit off the bottom of the large can by 2 inches.


Step 3: Place four unscented tea candles in bottom of large can...Hint: Burn the candles for a couple of seconds to remove the wax on the wicks..they will light easier in the field... these candles will burn for four hours without having to be replaced...



Step 4: Place the smaller can inside the larger and pass the tent peg or nail through the 4 holes suspending the small can in the large can.


Step 5: Drill 6-8 holes approx. 1" above the bottom of the large can...space these evenly around the perimeter...this allows for oxygen to get at the tea candles and fuels the fire...


Step 6: Drill two holes approx. 1" down from the top of the larger can and opposite each other...using a piece of wire fashion a carrying handle to suit.


Step 7: When in the field, Slice up one to two small apples and place in smaller coffee can ...add apple juice until the apples are covered . I mix this up the night before to let the juice soak into the apples, and then pour in once at my stand...you may want to add a bit more juice in the morning because you don't want the mixture to boil dry...


Step 8: Take it to the field...use one or two at each stand...check wind direction and place accordingly... place them approx 10 yds out from your stand...the mixture will start to boil in about twenty minutes emitting a strong apple odor that will carry 200 yards in the right wind conditions so light them as soon as you get to the stand...If you can smell it that far away imagine from how far a deer can detect it!


It also works well in the rut when filled with doe urine in estrus...although you use a smaller version.


Edited by new to the flock
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number 4


This is a one candle burner used for coons and bear and deer urine , and dos not require air holes around the bottom.


The extra holes that you see on the sides are for using larger and smaller cans depending on what I am hunting and what I am burning.


Edited by new to the flock
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