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four dog fox, one vixen

reddeer 40

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As I said before, went sunday to the Ardennes for some fox stalking. It is a 240 km drive, there fore we went with one car (3 shooters, 1 ladie). Left at 05.00 and arrived at 07.15. As it was frosty (-4°) and the grass was a bit white you could noticed if something was moving. After preparing clothing & guns we splitted up, each would cover 1/3 of the shooting area. It was still dark and I walked very slowly on a road, in the middle of some hilly terrain. Some of the area had some snow left and one such a spot I saw a fox moving, distance 250yards. I closed in, but it was hilly terrain, if I laid down using the bipod I could not see the fox. So went in closer and noticed that the fox was changing direction and was headding for the road. I had still a bump in front of me, but with the bipod on full lengt (27") I was able to take a shot sitting on my bum. I had the croshair on the fox and forced for him to stop, a little whistle did it. The .243 RWS Kegelspits 6.2 gr hit him through the chest, instant death, messured with the Leica Rangemaster, 114 yards. The biggest dog fox I ever saw. The pressure was of, so decided to have a drink & sandwich. Went to the highest point in the terrain and sat down to enjoy. Did not have the time to finisch my sandwich as I saw a fox leaving thick cover and walking over an area of frozen snow, it was funny to see, he di not like to walk on this. The crosshair on him, I had all the time. A litle whistle, he stopped, bang, chest shot, meassured at 141 yards. I dicided to stay on the sameplace, because of the view, could see almost a mile in 3 directions and in front of me I had a large wood. After a while I heared a shot and I was convinced it was a hit as I recognized the sound of an impact. A quick phonecall and yes, he confirmed.

As I was talking I noticed a fox 300 yards on the right, very busy with chasing mice. Went in closer and prepared. I saw clearly it was a vixen. Tried to call her in with the whistle, I got her attention but she didn't came in, and after a while she was heading for the wood. I had to take the shot so whistled very hard, she stopped and was sitting down. Bang, inside the chest and out through the belly. Measured 230 yards. The third one was calling me and asking if I found wild boar.

Whilst talking to him a fox left the wood in front of me, I throw the phone down and aimed. He noticed me as I had no cover there, he run back to the wood and I started to whistle, a few meters in front he stopped. Bang, went down, and run away, took another shot whilst running & missed. As I started with only 5 bullets I was out of ammo. I could not do anything else that starting to pick up the foxes.

The first 3 was no problem, they were on the spot, the 4th one I found in a litle stream, belly shot :*) Would you believe that while I was picking up I noticed another 2 foxes, the firdt one one some 200 yards and the second one only 80 yards. Anyway was very pleased with the result, but now I never will leave without a full ammobox.


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Had some evening stalking as well, had a nice walk, it was freezing and sometimes some snow & wet. Just before getting dark I noticed a nice dog fox leaving the wood, distance 500 yards, he was headding for a farm. Dicided to go completely arround, but he showed up between me and the farm. Didn't dare to take the shot to safety reasons. Tried to get in between him and the farm but he spotted me and went back for the wood, whistling & yelling couldn't stop him. Next time i will wait for him! Went back to the spot of that morning but it went pitch black, the only place i could see a bit was where I shot the second fox that morning. And yes, after a while I saw a fox on the snow coming out of the cover, and he went back in. No time to take a shot. Anyway I was very pleased with this day, great conditions. The rut is stil on here as it was getting dark I heared a lot of foxes barking & screaming in the wood. To be continued!

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So went out again yesterday, as in the forecast the whole area was covered with snow. Started at night (04:00) sight was ok (snow + almost full moon). hartbeating was going up as I saw something moving. through the binocular I could see it was a hare! And that was it, stayed out untill 11:00. Nowhere there was a fox to see. So it had to happen in the evening, went out at 15:00 and stayed out until 19:00, already dark for more than an hour. Nope, did not see any fox, they don't like snow! I didn't hear any fox barking, so I aspect the rut is over.

Going again next week, have to zeroing a rifle before leaving for Hungary.

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