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trouble with my escort


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my hatsan escort is having trouble firing, what happens is you put the cartridge in the chamber and the two in the magazine, pull the trigger and all you hear is a click which i guess is the firing pin, so i found out if you let the carrier hit the cartridge quite hard by just pressing the button it will fire it but then it wont fire the second shot. I not sure if letting the carrier hit the cartridge hard is dangerous?? does anybody know what the problem could be, it has 3'' chambers and im using 30grm and 32grm no 6's. i have no idea could anybody give me an idea of whats wrong , thanks in advance matt

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Mate of mine had the same problem so I took the firing pin out of the mechanism theres a securing pin that you have to knock out of the bolt to remove the firing pin and its spring, it was full of crud which was jamming the firing pin for the second shot, the initial slam was hard enough to release the pin for the first shot then it jammed in the crud inside the bolt mechanism take it out and clean it with some legia spray/WD or similar and youll need some pipe cleaners as well,worth a try, and if youve got the original manual it shows how the parts come out in the breakdown drawings.LOOK HERE http://www.hatsan.com.tr/pdf/Escort_Semi_Auto_Shotgun/Escort_Instruction_Manual_GB.pdf. :good:

Edited by fluke2
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firstly, as already stated, you need to let it slam the first cartridge home, did you get this from new or second hand?

did you read instructions that come with it if bought new?

on the same side as the loading/ejection port, is a rocker button, have you depressed it by acciedent?, as doing so, only lets you fire the breeched cartridge and not the other two in the mag, you have to push it in and forward to release, and fire all 3 carts

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my hatsan escort is having trouble firing, what happens is you put the cartridge in the chamber and the two in the magazine, pull the trigger and all you hear is a click which i guess is the firing pin, so i found out if you let the carrier hit the cartridge quite hard by just pressing the button it will fire it but then it wont fire the second shot. I not sure if letting the carrier hit the cartridge hard is dangerous?? does anybody know what the problem could be, it has 3'' chambers and im using 30grm and 32grm no 6's. i have no idea could anybody give me an idea of whats wrong , thanks in advance matt


All of the comments from forum members are correct. Load the first cartridge (ensure wepaon is pointing down the range or in a safe direction), depress the button on the left side of the gun to let the action slam forward (not dangerous, its part of the loading drills). Load cartridges under the loading gate. Ensure the button on the right is not depressed as this hold the cartiridges in the tube when fired , its an additonal safety feature (read instruction booklet for further information). My experience of a brand new Hatsan was not good, misfires and doesnt cycle well, needs loads 28g+ to work properly, although some have had success with premier brand cartridges such as the Hull CompX 21g. If its new and bought from a Gun shop take it back... Personaly, I would by a good second hand semi like a Beretta Urika or Browning Gold. I decided on a new Benelli..chalk and cheese. Good luck. :good:

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