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Breech bang


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I recently bought an Anschutz 525 semi, it's in good condition cosmetically, but i am having problems when firing it. Using CCI subs, quite a few of them are going bang at the breech, loud enough to make your ears ring and producing a fair bit of smoke from the breech area also. When using Magtechs, there wasn't any bangs but a lot of sparks and even flame coming out of the breech.


I'm no gunsmith, but i'm guessing the bullets aren't being chambered properly? Does it need a damn good cleaning or is it likely to have a serious problem? These guns are usually rock solid and to take it back to the shop is a 2 hour round trip.


Any ideas/solutions?

Edited by sneakysniper
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I'm no gunsmith either but from what you have said so far I would want to get it straight to a gunsmith to be checked out as soon as possible without firing any more shots through it! It certainly does not sound right to me mate!

Let's face it, you can replace a gun but you can't replace your hand, eye or even life it is does decideblow back in a serious way on you!

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It's going back,either for repair or preferably a refund. The shop are refusing a refund but i'll discuss that when i'm there. I was wondering whether there was possibly a common,easily fixed cause, such as a build up of gunk that needed cleaning or something.

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sounds to me as if it needs a really good clean, also worth checking the crown to make sure there is no damage. as for the round going bang and smoking it sounds as if you have a bad batch of ammo, subs should not be exceedingly loud nor should they smoke enough for you to notice it to any great extent. as for the smoking breech and flames, you will get some of this which is more noticeable when its dark.

Edited by peck
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sounds to me as if it needs a really good clean, also worth checking the crown to make sure there is no damage. as for the round going bang and smoking it sounds as if you have a bad batch of ammo, subs should not be exceedingly load nor should they smoke enough for you to notice it to any great extent. as for the smoking breech and flames, you will get some of this which is more noticeable when its dark.

you should see my buckmark, nearly blinds me in the dark. didn't think of the breech, especially as it's a rimmie, any dry firing will damage the chamber.

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Did you buy the gun new or used?.

I recently worked on a 10/22 displaying exactly the same problem,it would seem that a previous owner had shortened the main/return spring a little in order to cycle subs more effectively.Now if you couple this with a light build up of grime and I mean light then this combination prevented the breech from closing fully.New spring and a proper clean soon had it behaving although it's now very selective with subs.


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Well i went to the shop (Keens in Bridgend) and there was no chance of any refund, indeed they were quite hostile.

The gun is second hand but looks in good nick.

I left it with them for some testing and their result after a session on a range was no bangs and some "usual sparks for a semi".

They recommend using RWS subs (logic being German ammo for German gun).


I did ring the Uk Anschutz importers and spoke to their gunsmith. Interstingly, the 525 model has been specifically designed to cycle subs and therefor has a shorter return spring and lighter action when compared to my old gun the 520. Ties in with what Magus69 indicates above. The gunsmith reckons its unlikely to be the gun and would possibly benefit from a change of ammo to something less feisty than CCI's, as i could be seeing the result of the bolt on it's way back really fast and also the effects of the CCI's bordering on or exceeding the supersonic mark.When i tried some Magtechs, i did notice how quiet they were compared to CCI's.

He did say that it may need a clean around and in the chamber also but i have already done that as best i could without taking it apart.


So, i'm waiting for the snow to clear so i can go get it and try some RWS through it, although from what ive read they have a lot of wax on them.

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