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How to combat damp


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Does it keep happening, or has the cabinet been shut since before it got really cold up there?


If it's the second one then I'd guess it's just because the air in the cabinet has cooled down a lot since you shut it up, and so the water vapour that was in the air has condensed out. If that's the reason then it shouldn't happen again now you've let colder air into the cabinet, and dried out the guns.


If it keeps happening thenI'd try something in there to absorb the moisture.

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Sounds like your loft is not insulated,ie the rafters are open to the felt and you are getting 'night sky radiation'or at least i think thats what its called if it were commercial unit roof,anyway i think you have a few options;

1,move cabinet

2,insulate loft/rafters

3,heat loft

4,heat cabinet

5,rap cabinet in insulation to prevent condensation forming on the cold steel

6,rap guns in insulated quilt

7,make a cupboard to fit around cabinet and insulate. :good:

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Get it out of the loft, sorry but unless you go to a lot of trouble it will be hard to sort this 100%. there are only two cures for this Ventilation and insulation either or both done half hearted wont work. Silica gell, dehumidifiers, heaters etc are all sticking plasters on a gaping wound IMO

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