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help on where i can shoot


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hello all,


im having a bit of confusion of where i can shoot my rifle,


i have at the moment a .22lr and i live on a farm and mainly shoot on there, and its been cleared.


does this mean i can only shoot on my land or can i go on to other land where i have permission?


also when me and my mate go lamping he uses his .243, he has permision to shoot on my land, but does my land need to be cleared for this or can he just shoot on it?


and also when i get my .223 im hoping to get, can i shoot anywhere i have permission and its safe to do so? or just on my land?


thanks very much

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If your mate has an open ticket, or the land has been cleared up to or above .243 he's fine to shoot there.


If you ring your licencing department and ask them what it's cleared to, they'll be able to help you.


With regards to where else you can shoot - firstly we need to ascertian if you hold an open or closed licence. It will be closed if it says something like "on land deemed suitable by the chief of police" which means that any new land you have permission to shoot on will need to be checked with the licencing team. If it's not, they can come out and check it, but don't expect same day service.

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If your mate has an open ticket, or the land has been cleared up to or above .243 he's fine to shoot there.


If you ring your licencing department and ask them what it's cleared to, they'll be able to help you.


With regards to where else you can shoot - firstly we need to ascertian if you hold an open or closed licence. It will be closed if it says something like "on land deemed suitable by the chief of police" which means that any new land you have permission to shoot on will need to be checked with the licencing team. If it's not, they can come out and check it, but don't expect same day service.


yes he has an open ticket, where as i have just looked on mine and i dont, how do i get my cert changed to an open one, so i can shoot anywhere that i deem sutable



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yes he has an open ticket, where as i have just looked on mine and i dont, how do i get my cert changed to an open one, so i can shoot anywhere that i deem sutable





You need to give your Region a good reason to Open it, some will not listen until you have had your FAC 5 years.


Bit of a lottery really how any region deals with this!

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yes he has an open ticket, where as i have just looked on mine and i dont, how do i get my cert changed to an open one, so i can shoot anywhere that i deem sutable




Dekers is right, but my force are quite lenient.


Basically you need a good reason to get an open ticket. From the numerous other topics you've posted I can confidently say you will not get an open ticket.


You got refused a C/F for deer and currently hold a .22LR, which tells me you've got quite a strict force. Secondly, a good reason to get an open ticket is when you have high demand from landowners to shoot foxes, but you couldn't fulfil your pest control duties due to the land not being cleared.


From what you've said, you currently only shoot on one farm and I would guess that your recent application to the police reconfirmed that you're only shooting one area, so the 'numerous farms' reason will not be a good one and secondly, you don't have a big enough rifle for foxes.


I've probably overlooked a post of yours saying you've got a .223 or something, so apologies if my assumptions are incorrect! :blush:

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nope that sounds about right :) lol,


im hoping to apply for my .223 in the next week or so, its hampshire force so they are strict for some reason, and also im 21 and i was 18 when i first got my firearms cert with .22. i have done quite a bit of stalking and lamping in the last 3 years so am hoping that they will grant me a.223 and im going to ask for open ticket as if i do get a foxing rifle i will want to use it on other farms where a few of us have permission to shoot everything except deer, i will also be applyimng for a second .22lr at the same time. i no the other land is cleared for .22, but i have never asked about .223 so hopfuly they will grant me this (fingers crossed)

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You need to give your Region a good reason to Open it, some will not listen until you have had your FAC 5 years.


Bit of a lottery really how any region deals with this!


Yup, another inconsistency in the system. I know people who have had an open ticket on grant though with past experience. :rolleyes:

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im hoping to apply for my .223 in the next week or so, its hampshire force so they are strict for some reason, and also im 21 and i was 18 when i first got my firearms cert with .22. i have done quite a bit of stalking and lamping in the last 3 years so am hoping that they will grant me a.223 and im going to ask for open ticket as if i do get a foxing rifle i will want to use it on other farms where a few of us have permission to shoot everything except deer, i will also be applyimng for a second .22lr at the same time. i no the other land is cleared for .22, but i have never asked about .223 so hopfuly they will grant me this (fingers crossed)


I fear you're aiming a bit high with regards to what you're asking. If they're not keen on giving you a C/F the first time, I can assure you they've marked your card and a secondary request for an open ticket with your variation will more than likely get turned down.


You need to remember that it's very very rare for anyone to get an open ticket on the first application. I was fortunate to get my closed ticket opened early, but this was because I had a good relationship with my FEO who I knew since my first SGC application at the age of 13. Your FEO needs to get to know and trust you, because at the end of the day it's his neck on the line and I'm sure you'll agree that with the current bad press that's hanging around firearms he doesn't want to be the next person to be printed on the front page of the Daily Mail.


I think you need to appreciate that you have a licence and have land to shoot on. There are people on here who are desperate for land to shoot on and I bet you anything they wouldn't be bothered if it was a closed ticket.


Take it all one step at a time and it should eventually pay off.



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yes i do see your point, but i think that its stupid that some people in some parts of the country can get whatever they ask for, and im never likly to build a relationship with my feo as i have had 4 visits by them and never seen the same one twice. im going to apply for a .223 and my second .22lr and then after that apply for an open ticket due to demand fox shooting in the local area, i myself live on a farm that we own, so know the other local farmers and i shoot on there land doing rabbits and pigeons and foxes, and if i have a foxing rifle itl be even higher demand.

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i think your request for a 223 and open ticket is perfectly reasonable, you have been shooting on land now for 3 years so you now feel the need for a larger calibre to deal with fox's.

Write a letter to your fireams licensing office (keep your FEO out of it, he will contact you when instructed to do so by his manager) stating that you would like your licence to be opened and explain that you now think that you have gained enough experience to only take suitable safe shots, you are able to identify public rights of way, you are familiar with the countryside code, etc......also say that you have had numerous invites to friends farms to shoot which you had to decline because they have not been cleared and you dont have an open ticket.

I put down that i had lost several sporting oppertunities for shooting because the land owner was not keen on the intrusion of having a land check.

It worked for me and i had my ticket opened after a year.



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My first ticket was Fac Air open, .22lr closed.

Put in for a variation. fac Air still open alone with Fac shotgun, both 22lr's closed and Wmr closed.


Thinking now of putting in for a Hmr as a one for one for one of the .22's. I wonder what my chances are ?



Edited by hunters_return
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