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i was on a wildfowling page yesterday, and it said on the list og quarry, moorhen. I'd never considered these game before. I have plenty on my permissions, but they dont fly much and i wouldnt consider it great sport, but if they are legal, and good to eat, i'd take a couple. So has anyone eaten one before? Are they nice? And are they legal game, or did this place happen to have a special licence or something?



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I remember being on a shoot years ago and they had a moorhen drive. Guns would line out along a high bank facing the lake, dogs then sent into bankside cover, moorhens would then "run" across top of lake. Quite good sport as they do shift,

intresting to see the shot pattern in water as well.


Would not fancy eating one TBH

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When i was a teenager i use to shoot and eat a lot of moorhen. Cooked properly they are ok. We used to debreast them and grill the breasts makeing sure they were well basted. They can provide fair sport too. There was a tounge of willow scrub running several hundred yards out onto the grazing marsh. We would walk them to the end and the moorhens were lothe to fly out over the grass , but would rise up 30-40 yards and come back over our heads as driven birds. With a wind behind them they made testing shots.

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