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Big bore air guns


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I have no FAC, nor any desire to buy one of these big bore beasts, im sure some of you have heard of the "korea dragon slayer" and the sam yang .45 ect i was just wondering - with some of these guns coming in at way over 150 ft/lbs ( no joke look it up :o ) would you ever get one of these on a uk fac, surely there would have to be a very specific case ? any beast big enough to hunt would surely be deamed "unsuitable for air" there are images of people with these rifles standing next to wilderbeasty type things! your thoughts ? discuss!

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I'm pretty sure this months Fur Fish and Game magazine (US publication but on-line) has an article about a deer being shot by one of these high powered air-rifles.


I've often been curious if anyone has imported one of these on a FAC into the UK but nothing has surfaced so far.........



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