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Whats been eating my bee hive?


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Libs - I hope so, that would make a great coat!


Nick - i don't think so as its eaten around the entrance towards the bottom of the photo as well, pretty sure its something trying to get at the honey/bees; there was a mouse guard over the entrance which had been pulled off too. There are only a few muntjack about where the hive is, its just the other side of the fence from our 50 acre deer park but i don't think we've lost any into the woods!

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Mate of mine caught two badgers in the act of trying to break into his chicken shed through the wooden pannelling late one night biting an clawing they were,nearly through they were,he did the right thing though























Scared them off,yes he did :yes:

Edited by hushpower
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The damage happened to both brood box and enterance at the same time.


The hives surrounded by 4 metal (gate like) hurdles; would a badger have gone through those? My initial thought was badget but then a mate said a badger would have pushed the lot over to get to the honey :hmm:

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I like the sand idea but i've had the electric round it for well over a week now so doubt it'd be back; i was away last week so didn't have a chance to start this thread!


I'm sure its not a woodpecker; big chunks of wood have been pulled off; theres a patch round the back of the brood box where a woodpecker has had a go and its very different!


Young badger is seeming like a likely candidate, any suggestions on keeping them at bay for good? The electrics a good short term solution but the hives at a farm park and we're hoping to build up to more like 10 hives over the coming year and electric mesh doesn't really look the part!

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Have you thought about a green woodpecker? a mate of mine who keeps bees had lots of problems with these birds at one time, either destroying the boxes or tapping at the entrance and eating the bees when they emerged to see what was going on.




A lady who comes beating with us just told me exactly the same thing last week,about a woodpecker,could be your answer


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