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my first fox!


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Hiya guys and girls.


Last week me and s few lads I know organised to get out on the bunnies with the dogs :) every thing was set, all ready. THEN the dreaded phone call.................dogs got a bad foot! Can’t chance it!

Was a bit of a shame but hey, you got to look after the dogs, no point in smashing up a dog for the sake of a few runs eh?!?!?!

So I turn up at my pal Ians (yeeharr) at 8:15pm not knowing whats going on and he says "don’t worry fella! We will take the HMR out" :D

By this time im grinning like the chesher cat! I love the HMR but have only ever shot paper with it< so now was my chance to prove myself.


Off we set at 8:45pm and arrive a few mins later at the golf course. Ian says he wants to check the zero and then off we set.


We hadn’t walked 10 mins and we spotted 3 bunnies, one runs down the beam and Ian pops him, I follow another that darts but I loose him as I was being a din low! Swing the lamp round and Ian drops another. All at about 40ish yards :)


As we carry on walking we spot a light on one of the greens! Ian knew exactually what was going on and said he thinks it was someone lamping with dogs. So of we set in pursuit. 15 mins later and out of breath (the boys were motoring) we are 15 feet behind 2 young lads and a dog. BANG ON GOES THE LAMP! And Ian gives it a BOOOOOOOO! Just for good measure ha-ha. To say they were scared is an understatement! A few words were exchanged and it was slightly heated at first then it settled. It ended up with numbers being exchanged and the offer of coming on the land with us as permission! (Gotta help the youngsters out we have all been there).


After all the mayhem of the chase me and Ian settle back down to our shooting!


We mooch about for a further 1-20 mins but don’t really see much. Until Ian has a quick flick with the lamp and I here him hiss at me......FOXXXXX!!!!!


Im straight on to old Charlie like a shot, but he’s mooching at about 120 yards with his nose in the air sniffing at us, the wind was in our favour at this point but he knew we were there and stated to try a wind us, all the time not stopping for a second.

Ian decide we should move further up the green to keep the wind (was quite a strong wind) into our faces. We crossed a mound and I lost him behind a tree at about 80 yards!

"Ian were the hell is he?"

"Wait boy he’s there"

"You sure?"






He had popped out and sat down facing us. Lined up the shot, concentrated on my breathing and slowly squeezed of the trigger...


He was down! Big smile on my face! We paced it out to 90 yards, witch I don’t thinks too shabby as it’s my first fox?

I was really excited and Ian was over the moon for me. Shame we didn’t have a better cam. He said Johnny your remember this for the rest of your life: D


Few quick pics and we was off again, saw a few bunnies that we knocked over, nothing amazing apart from a nice 80-90 yard head shot from Ian!

Saw some lovely fallow and a munty which was nice.


And don’t worry Ian I won’t mention the bunny that you missed 7 times and it still managed to get away! I promised I wouldn’t say anything so I won’t!!!


Have a butchers at the pics boys!


Hope I haven’t bored you too much??


John boy!






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