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Gunless and gutted

The Duncan

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Hi folks,


disaster struck this morning. My sbs Gunmark Sabel's leaf/lever spring broke this morning rendering the gun unsafe and therefore unuseable. :no:

Both Gunshops Ive taken it to said that it will cost at least £120 to put right as they can't get the spring to fit and they would have to make one from scratch or modify one and possibly the gun.

So before I face scrapping it and starting again, does anyone know where to get hold of spares for these? Its over 30 years old and not an expensive gun, so I know this is a long shot :oops:


Thanks for any help in advance,



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Talk to Neil




This is a new website, I was going to give you his number but it's there, tell him Deker recommended him.


Not only is he a RFD but he is an engineer of world repute, I have faith in this man, and so to does everyone who uses him, he built the UK FT Champions rifle a couple of years back.


And the really good news, he is almost certainly better priced than you local high street RFD!



He is in Mortimer, not far from Reading. :good:

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Is your gun a sidelock? I know agunsmith who did have a silver sabel with I think a smashed stock. I'll be seeing him on Thursday night so will check.

Mines a standard Sabel - I think it is a sidelock, but I'm a newby with shotguns so this is just an educated guess. If the bits fit then a deal is to be done one way or another I reckon :)

Thanks for all replies guys, I feel a bit more hopeful that there's some salvaging of the situation possible.

All the best guys



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Hi Duncan

Well that was lucky it never went yesterday when we were out enjoying ourselves.

If you need a gun to keep you going let me know we can meet up and I will lend you one, (subject to correct paperwork) SxS or O/U your choice just let me know.







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Thanks Zapp - pm'd too :D


Cheers too Stocky, a sound offer and back-up; at Zapps suggestion, Wabbitbosher has come up with a spot-on solution and can fix it for me locally and at little cost, quickly too. He makes the gunshops I've been too look quite silly to say the least.


Terry, what can I say? That's a brilliant offer of help, but thanks to Wabbitbosher, it looks like it'll be fixed and sorted quickly.

If there's any delay beyond WB's control, I'd love to accept your kind offer.


So thanks again chaps, I'm actually a bit taken aback by the support and help I've found in PW. It's heartwarming :yes:


All the best,



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Looks like you got it sorted ok :good: ...

Don't worry about your old Sable, they are as tough as old boots and well made, if you look after it , it will look after you.....

Ive used old cheap Sable's as walk about/hide/ knockabout guns for over forty years.... they just get on with the job !


Dave ;)

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