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Money no object!


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1: Busting clays - that new damascus Purdey (x2 of course)

2: Pigeon shooting - as above :lol:

3: Driven birds (the posh shoots you new money types get sneered at) - as above again!

4: The gun you've always wanted - s by s eell special battle of britain engraving (guy I shoot with has one and its stunning!)

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1: a personal trainer to sort my lard out

2: a house assistant do all the hard work so my wife will stop calling me an unhelpfull fat P.I.A,love her to bits dispite that.

3: a mistress,so my wife can stop giving me the cold shoulder LOL

4: a years tutouring on shooting so i can be consistant then

5: a pair of the perfect guns for me,which i would have decided on after my year of lessons

6: and be able to clear my friends morgages so they can take more time off with me to shoot my new land.

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