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Has anyone tried 65mm carts through their Maxus? Only reason I ask is that some months back I stocked up with some Clear Pigeons with fibre wad and did not realise at the time that the fibre wads only come in 65mm!! Now getting the end of current stock of Velocities before I have only the CP's left. Have used 67mm with no problems, so will 2mm make that much difference i.e. more potential to jam? I know the manual says 70mm min, but any feedback from Maxus owners would be appreciated, before I go out into the field and get frustrated with a day of jamming........if the ******* pigeons turn up that is :hmm:

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i tried them in mine as i had a load of 65mm ones left over and if you use 3 very occasionally (4 / 50 for me ) you get a jam as it sometimes tries to load 2 carts at same time due to them being too small. ( or this could be down to my spring being a bit new and strong)


if it jams, push front one forward, (back in to mag) and the other will load


it works perfect with 2 carts in gun rather then 3. but **** law it will jam on a big flock if you load 3, but as i said it very occasionally !


67mm work perfect and of course 70mm as per manual

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Has anyone tried 65mm carts through their Maxus? Only reason I ask is that some months back I stocked up with some Clear Pigeons with fibre wad and did not realise at the time that the fibre wads only come in 65mm!! Now getting the end of current stock of Velocities before I have only the CP's left. Have used 67mm with no problems, so will 2mm make that much difference i.e. more potential to jam? I know the manual says 70mm min, but any feedback from Maxus owners would be appreciated, before I go out into the field and get frustrated with a day of jamming........if the ******* pigeons turn up that is :hmm:

i also had a few 65m shells i needed to use up and tried them in my maxus. sometimes they missfed so now i use them up by putting a 65mm in the chamber then 2 70mm in the mag.once these are all gone i will stick to 70mm as advised on gun...great gun

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34g of 4s in 65mm work fine - well fine enough for a large canada I had.


I've only had mine 6 months so I think it is probably still bedding in but I reckon most 65mm game loads will be fine. Not tried any 21g clay loads for example but I think it is more the length not the load which it struggles with.


Apparently 65mm shells enable you to put 3 in the tube - not that I would ever try this as it is contrary to the terms of my SGC!



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i have tryed 65mm hull intercomp 24 grams and it didn`t like them as there just isn`t enough kick in the cartridge . however i have fired a couple of my mates express supreme game 65 mm 32gram carts and had no problems attall .

mine has only had a couple of hundred carts through it so that could be to blame for it not liking the light loads . i only tryed 65mm carts as i have just stocked up on 750 of just carts own 32gram 5`s witch are also 65mm cases and are cheap ! :good:

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Been using 65mm's for a while now and can't remember having any jams with them,

unlike some Eley High Fliers and Hull's which I find odd as they are all 30grmers.


As with most SA's I find it can depend on build quality of the cartridge.My old 391 was very temperamental like that.




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Hi I first tried 24gr carts that i had to hand but the first jammed on cycling 28gr fine was told to fire 500-1000 28gr and then 24gr should be ok but to try out as many different 24gr till one suits. going to a range in the states soon so will try and find out more info


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