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FUD modified

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Liked the FUD decoys I bought last week, tried them and they worked for what birds there were around but hated the half a battleships worth of steel in them, pretty useless as a ground peg for pigeon shooting covering all seasons cept drill.

Out with the hacksaw and on with the thinking cap, came up with this prototype.



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There you go gents , said it was made from stuff lying around :)

No doubt you will come up with with your own bits, obvious points are the steel wire so you get the bounce and the roatating section to the peg.

The wire can be a little tricky to get neat but hey look at mine and it worked. :blush:

Please if you nick your kids windmills dont tell them to blame deny essex :no:

If you find the vid useful dont forget http://www.justgivin...m/pigeon-watch. :good:

lets see any pics how you get on, good luck.




Edited by deny essex
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Nice one Deny, the simplest ideas usually work best!


Just one question, what were you doing with a toy windmill lying around? I mean I got loads of bits in my garage, have done for years, but I ain't ever had a windmill :o)

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Nice one Deny, the simplest ideas usually work best!


Just one question, what were you doing with a toy windmill lying around? I mean I got loads of bits in my garage, have done for years, but I ain't ever had a windmill :o)




Stole it off my grand children :lol: no it was one of the garden type windmills, was left here to be thrown away. Lots of bits like that and old kids toys can have useful parts for DIY kit.Now if I can only find a stick of plutonium I will have the flats power supply sorted :good:

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That works and a good use for the steelwork. :good:

On a similar method a light carbon fibre rod similar to those used on hypaflaps or carbon tipped rods used in the same fashion in the head of the decoy beside the rivet gives bounce as well as rotation.

Much simpler than my earlier one :yes:

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