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found ammo

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it actually does but again depending on what country your in,all exapanding bullet heads should be registered on your FAC,in Notts the gun shops dont right them on in derbyshire they do,again a grey area,if you do reload and dont show any ammo on your ticket you could have it removed

I know, silly isn't it? Plus there are the shooters that buy their expanding bullets from abroad mail order, because that supposedly is still legal. well the law doesn't actually say you can't. Another grey area. All the law says is that UK dealers can't sell by mail order. Its all so messy.

Edited by Vince Green
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If you reloaded it wouldn't show on your certificate.


I do and all the heads (always expanding) I've bought have been logged on my ticket by the RFD, when I got the ammo allowance changed to allow me to home load I was advised by the Fire arms dept to keep a log of when and what I loaded as a backup paper trail.

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I do and all the heads (always expanding) I've bought have been logged on my ticket by the RFD, when I got the ammo allowance changed to allow me to home load I was advised by the Fire arms dept to keep a log of when and what I loaded as a backup paper trail.

I reloaded for years and always kept receipts for everything but nobody has ever asked me. plus I buy all my rifle ammo at Bisley and I don't get most of it entered on my certificate because they don't need to.


The point is its smart to keep a record, I am just uncomfortable about the fact that things move gradually toward "have to". I don't see that in the original requirements for expanding ammunition it ever said that expanding bullets had to be logged on your FAC or that there was ever a stated requirement that you couldn't buy more than your ammo holding limit. But thats what it has become, and everybody just accepted it without question.


I can buy 500, 5000, or more FMJ bullets without even a licence. Keep them where I like, do you not think if a terrorist or a nut case wanted to get ammunition having to have a expanding bullets added to his FAC would stop him.


I have heard of other police forces trying to do the same with primers although that was jumped on. The key question is this, is there a real problem here that these sort of measures will address? Or is it just petty minded jobsworths getting more and more pedantic making up rules about rules where there are no need for them.

Edited by Vince Green
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60 I could do with them added to my cert I am recording every shot to get my 243 open certificate so it saves me buying 60 bullets

Sounds alot of hassle and possible heartache for 60 rounds and +/- 60 aint going to get you an open ticket , but you could get yourself a name of been a frequent caller/pest, so detremental to getting it.,imo

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how can someone else right them on mate ?? where do they say they got them from ???

as i have said right them on yourself and tell your FEO where they came from,it dont get any easier than that

that was the same as I was thinking


got to come off one ticket and on to another :yp:


as for geting your open by how many rounds you shot HA HA Ha HA


do you no what they told me when I 1st tried this




the amount of ammo don't give you a open ticket mate

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I know the amount of ammo do sent give me a open cert. But the feo said that because I've only had a fac for a year and gone strait for a .243 to buy bullets do some paper punching get my letters of experience from when I go to Scotland and the ones I have now to prove my experience with a centerfire then he will open it up. I've been shooting this rifle since I was a boy I've got the experience just got to satisfy the feo

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that was the same as I was thinking


got to come off one ticket and on to another :yp:


as for geting your open by how many rounds you shot HA HA Ha HA


do you no what they told me when I 1st tried this




the amount of ammo don't give you a open ticket mate


think about two applications for an open ticket, one from a shooter who has bought 20 rounds and another who has bought 500 over the course of a year in a number of different places, which one would you think had actually been out shooting much.

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How old is the ammo.

If it is decades old is it worth the bother (does ammunition keep well in a garage?)

Why not just phone the FLO and ask their advice to be on the safe side?


Who knows specifically about this ammo?


I have 1985 RG 7.62, (lots of it), it is excellent and people want to buy it from me!


Ammo can last many many years if stored appropriately, a LOT longer than this!!!

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