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What calibre for your land?


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Ive got a permission on which I shoot .22 and .17HMR. There has been a surge in fox activity and the farmer wants me to make in roads into them and whilst I'm OK using the .17 its a grey legal area, especially in Cheshire. Anyway, I want to look at getting a more appropriate calibre.


The permission has been shot on for years and Ive know idea what calibre has been authorised to be used on it other than what I use. I'm in GMP licence wise and the land is in Cheshire.


How do you go about finding out what calibre is authorised? First thoughts are emails to one of the constabularies but not sure which?


Anyone got any pointers for me?

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how large is the area of land?


simply though if you want to shoot deer in the future put in for .243 if not then .22cf worry about the clearance later. When you get the visit for the variation you can then if necessary change the caliber, if you have a fair experience with rimfires then it makes things easier. You have the need land wise as long as its a fair size you can talk up the safety aspect of things and cross any bridges the FEO puts in the way

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Yeah. Never been asked but you just know the one time you make a kill some do gooder will start asking questions. Just this year things have changed so I now have to send an email to the local police force advising them I'm planning to go out shooting and what I'm using to do what. Apparently its to stop ARU being rushed out to suspected poachers. Just want to make sure I'm covered. Lands about 100 Square acres but interlaced with tracks which dog owners have been known to frequent. Nearest public highway is 750 yards from the points I shoot at.

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Yeah. Never been asked but you just know the one time you make a kill some do gooder will start asking questions. Just this year things have changed so I now have to send an email to the local police force advising them I'm planning to go out shooting and what I'm using to do what. Apparently its to stop ARU being rushed out to suspected poachers. Just want to make sure I'm covered. Lands about 100 Square acres but interlaced with tracks which dog owners have been known to frequent. Nearest public highway is 750 yards from the points I shoot at.



In that case just put in for what you want and if it has to be cleared for that calibre so be it. Often they handily just clear it for what you ask for <_<


As for the what you shoot with your current guns I would be happy if I had vermin or pest control and also if you have to say what you intend to shoot use the same terminology. Vermin or pests covers foxes in my book at least up to the point where you are highly unlikely to ever be asked about conditions. Plod on the ground don't know one end of a gun from the other usually. As a friend who is in the force said how are we expected to know every law that has been written they make a lot of it up as they go along.

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In that case just put in for what you want and if it has to be cleared for that calibre so be it. Often they handily just clear it for what you ask for <_<


As for the what you shoot with your current guns I would be happy if I had vermin or pest control and also if you have to say what you intend to shoot use the same terminology. Vermin or pests covers foxes in my book at least up to the point where you are highly unlikely to ever be asked about conditions. Plod on the ground don't know one end of a gun from the other usually. As a friend who is in the force said how are we expected to know every law that has been written they make a lot of it up as they go along.


Yeah I pretty much agree with that! Interesting about just applying and authorisation of the firearm effectively being permisison for the calibre. If I cant get any answers I'll try that.

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As for the what you shoot with your current guns I would be happy if I had vermin or pest control and also if you have to say what you intend to shoot use the same terminology. Vermin or pests covers foxes in my book at least up to the point where you are highly unlikely to ever be asked about conditions. Plod on the ground don't know one end of a gun from the other usually. As a friend who is in the force said how are we expected to know every law that has been written they make a lot of it up as they go along.


That's what I was getting at :yp:

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I was advised to call my FEO with the address and postcode and they should be able to tell you what calibre your land is currently passed for.

If not passed for the calibre you require they should come out and check it unless it's already been refused of course.

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I was advised to call my FEO with the address and postcode and they should be able to tell you what calibre your land is currently passed for.

If not passed for the calibre you require they should come out and check it unless it's already been refused of course.


Which is why I was asking because thats what I understood the official position was. My confusion was more because my land is in a different constabulary to my licence.

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Just this year things have changed so I now have to send an email to the local police force advising them I'm planning to go out shooting and what I'm using to do what. Apparently its to stop ARU being rushed out to suspected poachers.


You have to do WHAAAAAAAT? When did that become law then? Although it's good practice to let plod know that you're running round on their patch with a bang stick, it's not a legal requirement.


If I'm going to be out after dark, I'll let them know as a matter of courtesy and because it makes sense to do so otherwise they can mind their own business. :yes:

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I come under the terrible Dept at cheshire,when i had my licence closed 15 yrs ago when i found new land in whatever area i just called there licencing dept with name address and postcode,that usually sorted it, but have since found out that land needs checking every few yrs again ?? as my mate now shoots on my land which i knew was passed for 22.250 about 10 yrs ago, but when he enquired they had to check it again so give cheshire a call and ask.



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I just went to my permissions and asked for their address an post code and sent them off to my FEO to see

what caliber that said piece of land was passed for. I wanted to put in for .243 an wasn't sure if my land

was passed for that caliber. After giving address an postcode to my FEO he phoned back a while later and bingo

all past, Simple as that really.




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I'm also licensed by a different force (service?) that my land is on, for clearance I write to my local plod, who refer it to notts, who check it, then refer back.


A couple of my permissions I'm not sure were physically checked as the owner never had any contact from the police, maybe they use google earth....

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Hi elleb.

I shoot in Cheshire and have a freind who is GM.

In cheshire, I shoot about 1500 acres, public footpaths, bridleways and highways cut the shoot.

The land was cleared some time ago for .243.

I was foolsh enough to go for a .223 for foxing when, as others have said going for the max, would have been wiser. We had a great FLO for our area who retired recently. He was a good guage of character after years doing it.

We now have a woman in charge of the unit who is not at all helpful and she replied to me recently (6 months ago) saying she would not allow a .243!!!

I am going to apply again, formally, copying my e-mails to a knowedgeable friend and test this to destruction.


GM seem much more reasonable but no force can require you to prior inform them of your activity for any reason.

That having been said I was comfortable to advise Cheshires control room when I went out but recently a nice enough lady 'despatcher' asked my name, address and date of birth before she would take the details of where I would be and when.


I feel sure this was to access their firearms database to check me out but why not just record it. - its a lot further than I expected or wanted them to go.

I may review the advising bit as they aren't playing ball with me. I know it makes good sense to inform the police but this has to be mutual respect and I'm not getting a lot from them.

Its easy to believe the 'orders' to the Firearms unit is, 'reduce the number of guns held by the public'. I dont think the idea of service and legitimate shooting rights is part of the new ethos at Cheshire.

Next time I go out they can send out their ARV and I'll pursue a case under the Human Rights Act. Based upon the above.

As well as shooting in Cheshire they are my licensing authority - the ideal situation one would have thought



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Yeah. Never been asked but you just know the one time you make a kill some do gooder will start asking questions. Just this year things have changed so I now have to send an email to the local police force advising them I'm planning to go out shooting and what I'm using to do what. Apparently its to stop ARU being rushed out to suspected poachers. Just want to make sure I'm covered. Lands about 100 Square acres but interlaced with tracks which dog owners have been known to frequent. Nearest public highway is 750 yards from the points I shoot at.


Rushing out an ARV, need to get a grip on things in cheshire i should be sending them an e-mail alright about training thier control room :angry: Think about it unless its a high risk area (which i doubt as they mention poachers) they wanna get some control of the situation and we must not exept this garbage. what next? this is a legal activity that does not need authorisation!!

Visiting the Dee a friend and myself were pulled at random and messed about by one of thiers as suspected poachers lamping - in summer as it had just gone dark and i was right by the motorway- why? because my 4x4 actually had mud on it. I mean separate questioning the works and we are talking two middle aged blokes with ID no lurchers in car only a couple of pairs of muddy waders. GET A GRIP CHESHIRE ! who the heck trained you guys in detection mr Magoo ?


750 yds from nearest highway at the point you shoot at is meaningless for safety as even a HMR has the theretical maximum range of over twice that amount, The shot not the land is safe or otherwise. You wont find a safe calibre for the land or most land on our island for that matter as one does not exist.


Shooting fox with HMR is not a grey area if you ticket says "can be used for fox" then you can if it says much otherwise you cant, if in doubt your own GMP must advise, personally i wouldn't Hornet upwards are fox calibres IMO or use a shotgun with the right load.

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A selection of calibre for fox is better decided by looking at the rang and there area.

Power wise it doesn't take much to kill a fox, I have taken them with everything from a .22 air rifle to a 375H&H.

I would have to say that over the years I have killed more with a .22RF and the 12ga then with everything else combined.


It's just a shame that you have no central network to decide what you can have, that whole local officers making the decision is just messed up, having someone with know idea or being anti hunting/shooting making the call can't possibly work.

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I have just had this argument with local firearms dept 100acres would support 22CF contact the Consabulary that the land comes under as that is were the land owner would have to register that land if they say it's only cleared for say Rimfire than explain to them that would would like the land to be checked for a higher caliber for fox 22CF would be fine they will ask you to give evidance which is used google earth pro and marked out the boundrys and sent it all of with a covering letter job done within a week.

I find the more you help the FEO the more you will get.

Good luck

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