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Vulcan grip


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  • 5 weeks later...

Place trigger finger and thumb across the back of a wounded bird. Finger tips will find a natural hollow between the breast bone and the pelvic area. Squeeze fingers tightly together forcing inwards and upwards towards the birds back. If you do it correctly you will notice the birds head starting to roll and eyelids flicker as its lights go out.


One advantage of this method is that there is very little feather damage and that these birds can be used for decoying.

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Where the wings of the pigeon meet the body there is a change of feather colour (Grey too Blue) at that point, pinch. with thumb and forefinger. Inwards and upwards. Basically it is the guts area, you may also feel as you pinch that you break some fine ribs. Pinch inwards & upwards towards the birds spine.


This technique requires a bit of practice. But once mastered, the bird is dead in about 5 -10 seconds. I don’t know exactly how this technique works but I imagine you stop oxygen reaching the pigeons vital organs.

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Cranfield, the technique described by Elma is not the one which I described some months ago. I'm sure it works just as well, but just to save your confusion I thought I'd better point out that it is a different technique.


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I always carry a priest, (a cosh, not a bloke in a frock). Hold the wounded bird / animal in the left hand, a quick bludgeon on the back of the head, and that's that, end of chat. Incidentally, the best priest I've ever had, and the cheapest, was made by cutting the end ten inches or so off of a draining rod, leaving the brass end piece on.

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Sorry for the delay Elma, I've been away to Fife on a jolly. :lol:


OK, The Original Pigeon Watch Vulcan Death Grip. :/


Take hold of the bird with both hands. Birds head up, its breast away from you and its back towards you. Run your thumb down the birds spine until you feel a small notch. Press firmly and sharply on the notch. The end.



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On most birds, I use the foregrip of my shotgun as a priest, clip it off, bosh, job done.

I saw a friend of mine do this some years ago. I remember thinking what a good idea it was, it's always with you, plus no damage to gun as the end is metal. :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

The way that I do it is ......hold the bird in the hand, place your tumb on the back, and brake the back, keep the pressure on untill the head rolls back and eyes close....in all it takes about 8 to 10 seconds.......no head less birds and no streched necks!!


All the best



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