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Thumb hole stocks for hunting ?

Salop Matt

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Iv never owned a rifle with a thumb hole stock but am curious if when hunnting it bacomes a hinderance ?

I keep looking at after market nice stocks and so many now are thumb hole and to me from looking at them i would imagine that it could make things filddly when needing to get a shot off quick !


What are the thoughts of those who have thumbhole stocks for hunting ? Any issues or no difference !

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I have a savage 17hmr - The thumbhole is excellent, I seem to be steadier with it and more confident (especially free hand), I definitely shoot better with it, It makes no odds for taking quick shots etc, the only consideration I would guess is the weight, although it doesnt bother me :good:


If I come into some expendable readies in the near future, I will look to pick up a similiar stock for My Tikka 243 :good:

Edited by Devon Fox
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Yeah I'd like a thumbhole stock for my Howa 1500 .223 but they are about £280 I think and quite a bit heavyier than the hogue rubber stock as you would imagine my dad had a thumbhole stock on his Diana 52 classic side lever spring gun. I loved the look of it and feel of it, it would of been a pleasure to shoot if it wouldn't of been a spring gun. The only downside to having a nice thumbhole stock is throwing it around the field and getting banged/scratched up.

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Personally I like them. I would recommend that you try the stock you are thinking about first as well all have different size hands and fingers. The PAD on your trigger finger should rest on the front face of the trigger and squeeze backwards. Not reaching round or pressing on one side. As such reach to the trigger is critical.


I have very small hands, I tried a Savage HMR stock a couple of years ago, it fitted me perfectly. The thumbhole I have was cut to my hand size.



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my 2 savage guns have thumb hole stocks and they are very comfortable to shoot with them. also my new 223 will have a thumb hole stock when it arrives.. i have only known thumb hole stocks on the rifles i have, as this is all have have shot..

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My anshutz rifles are thumbholes like others say they seem to be better to hold and no probs with getting a second shot off..also ive taken shots without putting my thumb through the hole so holding it like a normal stock...very easy.


Just wish i could get a thumbhole synthetic stock for my tikkas.. :hmm:



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