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Caravanning and shooting (Not Gypsy's !)


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We go away in our caravan a lot, in fact we have just ordered a new one, which we collect on the 21st. I got interested in going shooting when I had a try while away in the Lakes, enjoyed it so much, took lessons, got my SGC and just got my first gun.

My question is, does anyone take their gun away and try different shooting grounds ? What would be the rules, advice for taking it away in the caravan with us ?

Thanks in advance for any advice, ideas, etc.

All the best


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I would ring your FEO. First thought is get one of those kits to break it down and secure it to the fabric of your car (as opposed to your caravan). The other thing is that many permanent places will store your gun for you if you ask nicely or pay a fee. Or both.

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Get yourself a car gunsafe in the boot,store cartridges in caravan with you and remove the fore-end/s from the gun/s in case the car gets stolen!!! With the fore-end/s stored/kept seperatly, it will prevent you from potentially losing your SGC in the case of car theft as you have rendered them useless, also trigger locks are good during travelling and as long as you have a good reason for taking the gun/s with you(visiting club/s on holiday etc) then you'll be fine.





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  • 1 month later...

I've got a static van in Kent for weekends away. Got an old metal army ammo box bolted to the metal subframe of the van(from inside) with a padlock on it for the stock and action, barrels are kept locked out of sight in my car and the forend lives in my mates caravan just along the way.


Think the important thing is to keep your gob shut and don't advertise the fact that you shoot and there is a gun on your premises.


When i go out, all people see is me throwing me dog and a sports bag in the back of the motor. Deeks, ammo and hide are already packed and stacked in the back and i have a set of camo overalls that i put on over my sports casual attire.

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I thought about this myself, been a caravaner and new to shooting i would have liked to take my gun on my travels, i even have thread on here asking the same question


I decided that taking my gun away was more risky than i wanted, and i could always take my SGC and hire a gun at a ground if i wanted to shoot


Up in the Lake for 10day at Troutbeck listening to the activity centres clay shooting was hell, but £50 for 25 clays way too expensive to join in :lol:

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It is breathtaking listening to all these very sensible suggestions. But if you use a MAC you can just chuck it in the glovebox and do a driveby. The Police won't even bother if you live in the Birmingham ( Aston/Lozells area) London (Notting Hill / Kensal Green area)Manchester or Liverpool.

BUT get your self a SGC and you could be in big trouble with the Law.

Surely the answer is get a friend to deliver your shotgun to the ground you wish to shoot at, ask them very nicely if they can put the gun in a violin or guitar case, just in case anyone is watching. I have fitted my gun inside a long telescope fitted with a tripod, armed with the RSPB handbook I'm good to go.

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