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FM you have no excuses you have your own car now.



It's not getting there that's the issue, it's if it's on a Saturday and I haven't got that weekend off work as Sainsbury's are about as flexible as an iron bar. Or if it's when my family are on holiday as I'll be in charge of the house and animals.


FM :)


P.S. Nuff love for the fact someone's organising a Bisley style event that isn't me. :)

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Right tryed to call carl who runs it today to see if theres any date available this year BUT theres date booked allready and from the convo i had with him he only likes to do one date a month due to it being hard work setting up and arranging it all......what do you guys think to arranging the meet for may/june next year? this will give them time to get the 800 yard field set up aswell.


Theres 2 dates booked this year for open shooting if anyone wants to meet up on these in the mean time give us a shout.




ps ill try ringing him again later.

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Can't do august as the game birds go down also have to work round the farming of the land they only shoot April to the end of July.

The chap who runs it is more than happy for us to arrange it for next year but he's very busy with dates this year so if we can decide on a weekend for next year I'm sure that would be better.

Edited by SPARKIE
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You could get your mate Dead Eye Ive out as well Dougy

Or is he still wandering about his new extension?



I will try and get in touch, when we have a date, i think miffy has been in touch recently so we will both try and get him out.

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could it be early may? just thinking of the ones hear who have 30,000 pheasants comeing after that :yp:


they shoot april to july at the rifle shoot then the birds go out august but becuse its catton hall they host a lot of other events like gamekeepers fair,horse trials,so it needs to be planned inbetween and theres allready a lot planned this year so we will wait for the dates and then vote on what date people want. :good:

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