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NEW Browning ultra XS titianium 32"


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:stupid: And I have one :good:

I just looked at the Browning website and there's no mention of different barrels, as Lovell said there's wasn't the latest with the lighter barrels.confusing as usual,I handled it for an hour and for 32" tubes it felt fast to point and no forward bias at all,titianium chokes weight nothing but the steel ones in my A400 Beretta are hardly heavy.

Anybody else able to shed some light?

Paulos how old is yours?

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Does it matter if the barrels are the lighter ones or not.


If the gun fits you and the balance is just what your after,sounds like your perfect gun.


The balance and the lighter feeling barrels, could just be a combination of lighter chokes, as others have said and or heavier denser wood, with the grade five timber moving the point of balance back.


ATB figgy

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Does it matter if the barrels are the lighter ones or not.


If the gun fits you and the balance is just what your after,sounds like your perfect gun.


The balance and the lighter feeling barrels, could just be a combination of lighter chokes, as others have said and or heavier denser wood, with the grade five timber moving the point of balance back.


ATB figgy

I was only interested as if the 2011 has different barrels I'd need to buy a new one as that particular gun felt perfect, or if they are no different then a used one would be a prefered option as cheaper.

I phoned a few gun shops today and the 2011 barrels are apparently no different,it's the ultra light titanium choke's that takes the forward bias out of the barrels,the Browning Website says it's a GRD 4 wood

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I've handled one of these brand new, 32 inches and titanium chokes, and was similarly impressed by the apparent lightness and ease of movement. The point of balance was actually aft of the hinge pin, something I've never found on any other gun, but whether that is a good thing may be debatable: you don't necessarily want your long barrels waving around in the air in an undisciplined way. The traditional point of balance just forward of the hinge pin will probably give the right degree of steadiness, I guess. After all, when the gun is in your hands, the effective point of balance moves forward anyway.

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Browning have announced a new revised OU spec (I think they tested one in the last edition of the CPSA pull magazine), lighter barrels and longer forcing cones if my memory serves me correctly. I wasn't aware that such changes had been applied to the Prestige Ultra XS though....


There are great guns, had mine for 2 years now - the Titanium Invector Plus choke tubes made by Briley are a bit over £100 each and you get 5 when new. I shoot with a mate who saw my 30" version and went out and bought a 32" the following week cos bigger is better! :blush:

Edited by Teal
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  • 4 weeks later...

right i've found an XS prestige on guntrader,it's an 09 (MN) year,but it seems a lot cheaper than others advertised and the wood doesn't look like a grd 4,apart from the titanium chokes are there any differences/markings on the actual gun that mark it as different than a normal XS Sporter? engraving or actual model name on the gun?.it just seems to good to be true.

I can't find any references on the web to tell them apart,any help

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right i've found an XS prestige on guntrader,it's an 09 (MN) year,but it seems a lot cheaper than others advertised and the wood doesn't look like a grd 4,apart from the titanium chokes are there any differences/markings on the actual gun that mark it as different than a normal XS Sporter? engraving or actual model name on the gun?.it just seems to good to be true.

I can't find any references on the web to tell them apart,any help


The XS Prestige has unique engraving on the receiver - a single gold circular motif, I guess a depiction of a spinning clay laid over the grid lines of the globe - I thought all the Prestige models were Gr5, they tend to have lovely wood. A regular Ultra XS actually has 'Ultra XS' engraved along with a very simple scrolled border each side.

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REFERENCE 013359303




TOP RIB(MM) 13-10


CHOKES INCLUDED 5 Invectors + Titanium: Cyl, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, Full

WOOD FINISH Oil finish


DROP AT COMB 28-38mm

DROP AT HEEL 48-58mm

PACKAGING Aluminum case

ACCESSORIES 2 spare triggers, choke key, lock

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