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Have some rats in my back garden that have their main run up a wall side over stone flags and they won't go into a tunnel set Fenn set on the wall side (can't dig the Fenn in and cover it may be the reason they are wary?). Don't want to use poison, anyone got any other trapping techniques that may work. I would think a cage trap would be useless also.

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Nice bit of sport with the air riffle could be fun, if not find the den and smoke them out into nets, the trick when in a domestic situation is to try to get all the *******, which is very hard, the council will do the job for you but prob bait with poison which you say you don’t want


good luck

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I find a cage trap very effective,for the odd rat that I get come into the garden,from a drain at the bottom ,


if you can get one ,i'd place it along side the wall,and prop a bit of ply or such like over it,just to keep it in the dark and create a kind of tunnel,


I have one out all the time,but if I susspect a Rat is about,I add some bait to mine ,I use a bit of my fishing ground bait,as it smells alot and can be tipped in through the wire mesh of the trap easily.


I do'nt get many rats in the garden,but some times if we get a lot of rain over several days,the water goes up in the drain at the bottom of my garden,and I think it floods some rat holes, and the rats are forced to look for a new home,

and as my house has no neighbours on one side ,mine is the first place they come too,


I should think ive only had about 15 in the six years I,ve lived here,but the cage has always caught them quick,before they have a chance to move in and cause a problem,

the most i've caught in one day was 3,two at once in the morning,and one before night.


Thats the advantage of the catch alive traps,you can get more than one in at a time,they are always set and working,and if placed in the right place,where a rat will naturally travel,eg along a fence or wall,they are very effective,and they pose NO threat to pets.


hope this is of interest to you,it works for me so may well work for you.


All the best Mick.

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My catch alive trrap is the two stage one,they enter through a funnel type opening,then pass into the next part via a weighted trap door,


now to be honest i've never caught a mouse in it,but i've never had mice around for some reason,

but should one go in I do'nt think it would get out as the square wire mesh it is made from is quiet small,at a guess i'd say around ten mil ,

about the same size a a key on my PCs keyboard.


like I said I use a commercial made ground bait that smells quiet strong,and I just sprinkle this in the trap,it falls through onto the ground and seems to stay there a fair time,


I suppose if bait being taken was a problem,you could put something smelly into an old 35mm camera film tube,and drill some small holes in it say 3mm,then put that in the trap.


All the best Mick.

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I have the cage trap where the rat passes through the sprung door.

Either pulls the hanging bait, or stands on the treadle and the door shuts.


There is also a one way hinged door in the corner for his friends to join him.

The bars are the straight down kind, with probably just over 1/4 inch gap.


I have baited it with pieces of Bounty chocolate bar and in the morning the chocolate is half nibbled away, the trap is sprung and there ain't nothing in it. :ernyha:

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Guest pigeonbasher

re tunnel trap, ull find that putting a bit of straw in the tunnell will draw them in, also leave the trap set but with the safety on ,( assuming its a fenn) for a couple of days, hope this helps, p/b

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Rats will avoid anything new for up to 2 weeks ie.your tunnel and trap,so just carry on as normal and eventually you will have success :/



Had a big old buck rat last night blind in one eye, a truly disgusting creature! Exactly 2 weeks after I put the trap, out you were spot on. Hopefully more will now follow.





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