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Trouble with the 'Town Halls'!!!


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Well, where to start?




I read a thread on here a few years agao about someone who had been having problems with their Davina McCalls. Well, today its been my turn :o

So, Today, i had the pleasure of a nice lady who decided that a big blob of cold jelly, and a probe on the bad boys was the order of the day. "Drop your pants, and get on the table!" (wow, cant remember the last time a bird said that to me hahaha) Wasnt sure if i should tell you lot, but what the hell, we are all friends :rolleyes::lol: and im past worrying about the **** taking ;) So, after a long worry, turns out they let me keep em both and i dont need to panic. Frightening is not the word!!! :yp:


So, GET EM CHECKED LADS!!!!!! Ive had 6 weeks of living hell!!!


Il also be making a nice donation to the PW charity this year. :good: And yes, im celebrating YAY!!! hahaha

Edited by MM
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Good on you for going - the older you get the less embarrassing it is - I missed the connection at first with the Davina - thought it was other end so have a smile at this






Prostate check-up...


An old guy goes to his doctor for his physical and gets sent to the Urologist as a precaution. When he gets there, he discovers the Urologist is a very pretty female doctor.


The female doctor says, "I'm going to check your prostate today, but this new procedure is a little different from what you are probably used to. I want you to lie on your right side, bend your knees, then while I check your prostate, take a deep breath and say, '99'.


The old guy obeys and says,"99".


The pretty doctor says, "Great. Now turn over on your left side and again, while I repeat the check, take a deep breath and say, '99'."


Again, the old guy says, '99'."


The doctor said, Very good. Now then, I want you to lie on your back with your knees raised slightly. I'm going to check your prostate with this hand, and with the other hand I'm going to hold on to your Thing to keep it out of the way. Now take a deep breath and say, '99'.


The old guy begins, "One ... Two ... Three" ... :yes:

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Speaking as someone who has had testicular cancer and had to loose one of my plumbs i can only repeat what MM said and get yourself checked if you remotely think theres something wrong.Although im normally stubourn about going to hospital etc the turning point was when i asked the doctor what would happen if i didnt have the operation and he simply replied you will die.


Sure it was embarassing at first,but you soon loose all inhibitions when the surgeon who operated on you brings a group of student docs to admire his handy work.You also wake up with the porn star shaved look too. :lol:


Check yourself regulary for lumps,bumps,any hardness (in your balls),no feeling,dull ache/agony.Any of these symptoms might be nothing,but could be something serious-check yourself or get your missus to.

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Speaking as someone who has had testicular cancer and had to loose one of my plumbs i can only repeat what MM said and get yourself checked if you remotely think theres something wrong.Although im normally stubourn about going to hospital etc the turning point was when i asked the doctor what would happen if i didnt have the operation and he simply replied you will die.


Sure it was embarassing at first,but you soon loose all inhibitions when the surgeon who operated on you brings a group of student docs to admire his handy work.You also wake up with the porn star shaved look too. :lol:


Check yourself regulary for lumps,bumps,any hardness (in your balls),no feeling,dull ache/agony.Any of these symptoms might be nothing,but could be something serious-check yourself or get your missus to.


I will get my missus to have a look later :lol:


.........and while shes down there :wub:

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You see! You can be a real man, and not bother going the docs, and wait for it to go away, or you can grow some balls and get em checked :good: Its something i never want to worry about again. GET EM CHECKED!!!! :good:



PS, and as for the gel, MY GOD!! it was bloody cold :lol: :lol: :lol:

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You see! You can be a real man, and not bother going the docs, and wait for it to go away, or you can grow some balls and get em checked :good: Its something i never want to worry about again. GET EM CHECKED!!!! :good:



PS, and as for the gel, MY GOD!! it was bloody cold :lol: :lol: :lol:

yep! i think they keep it in the fridge especially for "tender moments" such as these :oops::lol:

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Good to hear everything is ok, I had an inguienal (spelling??) a few years ago and also had a scare, it is soooo important to check your self and also let a doc check you now and again too.


Well done on the guys who have been through this for promoting the checks!

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Good to hear everything is ok, I had an inguienal (spelling??) a few years ago and also had a scare, it is soooo important to check your self and also let a doc check you now and again too.


Well done on the guys who have been through this for promoting the checks!



I second that Gixer.


Since 1997 I had stabbing pains, pins and needles sensation and aches in my klacker bag. I visited the GP at least 5 or six times for the same thing and they found nothing. There was definately something wrong as some days it could be well tender round my Alberts. Last year I was humping a lot of timber and a swelling started appearing just above and right of my handbrake. I went back to the GP and the swelling was not there and he said I was fine. Everytime I went in he had his hands round my clock weights and got me to do the cough test. It was really embarrassing as I reckon he thought I was just going in to have a free fondle on the NHS, my attempts to lighten the tension by saying we must stop meeting like this etc etc didnt really help the situation.


Finally last year I couldnt take anymore, even eating some foods could have me swelling up like a mutant round the ole twig and berries. I went in to the GP and there was a different one who referred me to the hospital without even looking after I told him my hernia was getting worse. The hospital couldnt find anything but I had the raging hump and refused to leave the consulting room unless I got a second opinion. They relented and said I had a very slight inguinal hernia and kept going on about the risks of operating to put me off suggesting I should live with it. Had the op and the scar considering it was a 'minor op' was huge and my canon wheels looked like they'd been swung on by a gorilla. The nobbers that patched me up managed to put surgical tape over what was left of my pyabs as well, frikken agony getting that off!!. It took 8 weeks before I could do anything constituting work but in that time I found PW so every cloud has a silver lining I suppose.



The moral of this story, if you get checked and the man says its nothing and you think he's wrong stick to your guns. Only took them 14 years to sort me out.

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As an ex-nurse as well as a current bladder cancer patient, I say GET CHECKED! It is embarrassing, but the staff do this all day and believe me, they do not look and judge. I went for a simple check after a bit of discomfort and the GP suggested a cystoscopy (a flexible catheter/camera up the old pee pipe) he said it was my choice to have this, but I agreed. Yes, embarrassing for me - flat on my back, legs spread, tackle painted yellow and stuck through a hole in a surgical drape (nice! :oops:) but the staff were great and cool about the whole thing. Turned out I had 8 large malignant Bladder tumours. Anyway, 6 Ops and 1dose of bladder chemotherapy later, I am now 19 months clear (next check August). If I had not gone for the check, the outcome could have been a whole lot different. Ladies put up with just as embarrassing things on a regular basis, so come on fellas, man up, self-check and don't avoid medical checkups because you may be embarrassed, you can't enjoy your life/shooting if you are dead. To all the other sufferers out there- good luck and best wishes for the future.

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I second that Gixer.


Since 1997 I had stabbing pains, pins and needles sensation and aches in my klacker bag. I visited the GP at least 5 or six times for the same thing and they found nothing. There was definately something wrong as some days it could be well tender round my Alberts. Last year I was humping a lot of timber and a swelling started appearing just above and right of my handbrake. I went back to the GP and the swelling was not there and he said I was fine. Everytime I went in he had his hands round my clock weights and got me to do the cough test. It was really embarrassing as I reckon he thought I was just going in to have a free fondle on the NHS, my attempts to lighten the tension by saying we must stop meeting like this etc etc didnt really help the situation.


Finally last year I couldnt take anymore, even eating some foods could have me swelling up like a mutant round the ole twig and berries. I went in to the GP and there was a different one who referred me to the hospital without even looking after I told him my hernia was getting worse. The hospital couldnt find anything but I had the raging hump and refused to leave the consulting room unless I got a second opinion. They relented and said I had a very slight inguinal hernia and kept going on about the risks of operating to put me off suggesting I should live with it. Had the op and the scar considering it was a 'minor op' was huge and my canon wheels looked like they'd been swung on by a gorilla. The nobbers that patched me up managed to put surgical tape over what was left of my pyabs as well, frikken agony getting that off!!. It took 8 weeks before I could do anything constituting work but in that time I found PW so every cloud has a silver lining I suppose.



The moral of this story, if you get checked and the man says its nothing and you think he's wrong stick to your guns. Only took them 14 years to sort me out.




10/10 for genital puns. :good:


The bit about the surgical tape made my "boys" jump up back inside for a second in sympathy :oops:

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