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Shotgun Suggestions


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Im now moving to a house more in the country so il have more of an opportunity to get out shooting, be it rough, pigeon that kind of thing. Ive shot clays before and had professional coaching so i kind of know what im doing, and i will hope to continue this when i get my gun. Ive had a couple of gun suggestions from the club but im going to keep that quiet and see what PW memebers suggest if thats alright. I shoot far better with a 12bore so thats what i will be aiming for.


I know the main point of choosing a gun is one that fits you properly but i was hoping some people could weigh up the pros and cons and just suggest some models that i should try out, Ive always shot with O/U guns, and during my coaching i shot with a beretta that would be out of my price league.


So atm im just looking for make and models suggestions within the region of around max 1000 pound, but prefferably lower if possible.





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I have a Betinsolli, which I am well pleased with, brought new 2 years ago at only £695 for the 30" MC sporter


At that price I doubt I would ever consider selling if I brought a more expensive gun and keep it as a backup


Why start with a second-hand gun when you can have a new one, and with CNC manufacturing nobody makes poor guns theses days, but quite a few make very over priced guns

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If you look at used prices compared to new you will find some hold value much better than others, I would suggest a gun that holds it's value when 5, 10, 20+ years old does so for a reason, that is a pretty good guide, guns aren't like cars if it's made properly a 3 year warranty means nothing, some parts may need replacement as they wear, pins,springs etc but these are not regularly required a Beretta is well within your budget and there is a good reason most clay grounds use beretta, browning, miroku as a broken gun costs them money sure after 100,000 shots they'll need a bit of work/maintenance .....

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