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Sea Spinning


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Hi guys. I do a bit of spinning from the rocks during the long summer evenings, using a silver toby. I like getting out for an hour or 2 and catching the odd fish. What I want to know is has anyone done much spinning off the shore yet or is it a bit early? We are to have good weather this weekend so might get a trip out.

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Perfect time now...I am off to gower for a few days in the morning an I will be taking lures and the fly rod as well as standard beach gear and hoping to get plenty of schoolies and maybe some bigger bass as well.


I woul have said you can successfully spin from may through to the end of september (which is when the bigger bass tend to turn up) but bass are mow present around UK coastlines all year round and there are plenty of other species which will readily take lure such as pollack, wrasse, mackerel, scad, garfish etc etc.


Good luck with the lures and without sounding condescending, please make sure you know the minimum size limits, especially for bass as they are really slow growing.



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I seem to remember that the bass limit is smaller than the size they need to be to breed, essentially fish nthat are legal to take, but havnt had a chance to spawn. I dont often take bass but I try to only take fish of over about 450mm nose to tail fork.


Just out of interest what do you guys use as leader? Mine goes: Snaplock to 25lb Flurocarbon (about 2-3 foot long) to Swivel to 30lb braid. Im mostly working shallow divers and shads round rocks

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I seem to remember that the bass limit is smaller than the size they need to be to breed, essentially fish nthat are legal to take, but havnt had a chance to spawn. I dont often take bass but I try to only take fish of over about 450mm nose to tail fork.




Fairplay to you mate, it seems pointless when theres no quota on Bass and the boats can harvest whatever they want but as a matter of principle I fish along the same lines as you. I only kill what is clearly not going to make it or is horribly injured. A treble in the eye or a deep hooked fish thats bleeding gets the priest instantly regardless of size and nothing gets wasted. I was gutting an undersized mercy kill last week that was no more than 12 inches and she was ready to spawn. This flies in the face of the popular belief that they dont spawn until 16.5 inches. Whether the eggs were viable or not is another matter but its incouraging that they may be spawning younger.


I was a bit upset when I saw Bass of less than 12 inches on the slab in Hastings earlier today. They were marked up as local and the guy proudly comfirmed that they were when questioned. I thought the 14 inch limit covered the whole of Europe. Its not morally right to throw back dead fish whether they are undersized or not but at the same time it makes you wonder whether they were deliberately targetted.

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