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686 Special Sporting

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I think the 686S had multi chokes and vented rib/barrels. Likely a late 80's model, nicer wood and some say better built than more modern Berreta's.


If you can get the proof stamp details from the barrels you can roughly date it. There was a recent post in here with the codes.

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Being new I understand the main types of Silver Pig and 686.

But I have seen a few of the above listed for sale, what is the difference?

Is it just a special edition sporter?





I bought one new in the 80's, if i remember right it had vented center and top ribs, broader top rib than field model, red front sight i think and a slightly different fore stock..... mine was fixed choke 1/4 & 1/2 and had matt black barrels and a different recoil pad.

At the time they had a range of clay 686's... skeet ,trap and sporting as well as the field model.

Lovely gun , good wood ( at least on mine) and beautiful balance..... fast handling though a tad light for the 32gm cartridges we used then... the 682 absorbed recoil better in my view.

Very good well made gun, would definately be worth a look at ... will still be in good nick if looked after properly.

I regret selling mine....



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I - 1945; II - 1946; III - 1947; IV - 1948; V - 1949; VI - 1950; VII - 1951; VIII - 1952; IX - 1953; X - 1954; XI - 1955; XII - 1956; XIII - 1957; XIV - 1958; XV - 1959; XVI - 1960; XVII - 1961; XVIII - 1962; XIX - 1963; XX - 1964; XXI - 1965; XXII - 1966; XXIII - 1967; XXIV - 1968; XXV - 1969; XXVI - 1970; XXVII - 1971; XXIII - 1972; XXIX - 1973; XXX - 1974; AA - 1975; AB - 1976; AC - 1977; AD - 1978; AE - 1979; AF - 1980; AH - 1981; AI - 1982; AL - 1983; AM - 1984; AN - 1985; AO - 1986; AS - 1987; AT - 1988; AU - 1989; AZ - 1990; BA - 1991; BB - 1992; BC - 1993; BD - 1994; BF - 1995; BH - 1996; BI - 1997; BL - 1998; BM - 1999; BN - 2000; BP - 2001; BS - 2002; BT - 2003; BU - 2004; BZ - 2005; CA - 2006; CB - 2007;



I think this is usually found on the barrels under the fore-end with the letters in a box



Beretta age

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Got a 686s lightweight myself. Been told by a few in the know that the 80's guns were made to a much better standard that the silver pigeons of today. If it still feels tight and will hold a note on the face then I doubt you'll break it or wear it out!

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