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Glad to see our monet going to a relly good use.


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Well at least we can all rest easy knowing our overseas aid/charitable contributions are being put to such a fantastic use and not being squandered away.



Always considered overseas aid as a usless tool esp. when much of the funds goes to despots who are very anti-western. This bloke takes the biscuit - admire his gall though!

Edited by claypop
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O.K.,O.K. I cocked up with a couple of typos in the title ,unfortunatley im not too sure how to correct them after posting as the edit function only seems to work on the actual text section .

Once again sorry if it offended anyones sense of literary propriety.

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O.K.,O.K. I cocked up with a couple of typos in the title ,unfortunatley im not too sure how to correct them after posting as the edit function only seems to work on the actual text section .

Once again sorry if it offended anyones sense of literary propriety.


If that's the worst mistake you make your doing well. Considering the mess this country's in charity should start at home.

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<iframe width="560" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/-fQ6glHwV4I?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>





Alright someone please tell me how to embed a YouTube jobby again.... <sighs>


Copy the YouTube URL from the URL Bar.


In your message, click the image which looks like three Polaroids (called insert media when you hover your mouse on it) and paste the URL in there.



Edited by Billy.
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