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what have you had in your pattern


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well have had a few strange things come into to my pattern in the past ,a fox,seagulls,geese a stoat and today 3 swans landed bang in the middle and took some moving on anyone else had any strange non target species come to there patterns. shot 34 pigeons today over rape

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Had a couple of roe Deer wander into my pattern last year, munched a few pea

shoots and strolled off, Great to watch.

And I once took a shot at a passing bird, it kept going so i sat down thinking i had missed,

it flew around the wood in a circle and dropped stone dead back in the pattern!!!!?

Considerate woodie or what, saved me searching for it :lol::lol:


Regards Sutty :)

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Had a couple of roe Deer wander into my pattern last year, munched a few pea

shoots and strolled off, Great to watch.

And I once took a shot at a passing bird, it kept going so i sat down thinking i had missed,

it flew around the wood in a circle and dropped stone dead back in the pattern!!!!?

Considerate woodie or what, saved me searching for it :lol::lol:


Regards Sutty :lol:

earlyer today i was mooching around looking for a rabbit when a high woody flew over me i shot at it and it carried on :) then to my surprise circled back around and dropped in front of me :lol:

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Had hares go through the deeks a few times. Once nearly shot what I thought was a crow, as it came from behind. Just a black shape at first but turned out to be a buzzard 'buzzing' the deeks.


I sat in a hide one day and a muntjac doe came right up to the netting, stamped it's hoof, then walked away to the right. I had set my hide up right on the deer rack through the hedge.

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the oddist thing would have to be about 4 years ago when shooting over peas the old woman from a house down the road stood in the middle of the coys as they were her pigeons as they spent the night in her fir trees and just because they feed on the framers field i had no right to shoot her woodies :lol: she took some moving i can tell you she must have been 90

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On one of the farms i shoot there was a chap who thinks he has the right to go where he wants when he wants,even if you was already there.He tried to move me on a couple of times i politely told him to go away and see the farmer.One day he parked his landrover in my pattern,made out he didn't see them.After i told him to move on he went down the field and parked in the gamecover to hide his landrover.When the farmer saw this he told him to go :lol:

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an army helicopter who used me as training,til they saw my lilly white *** ???

they actually hovered when they saw me collect a bird id shot then played hide and seek over the wood and hedges.i think the teacher was a shooting man as once id dropped my strides in the middle of the pattern they went ;)

had a few antis stroll through too.i was once accused of shooting a crow and allowing it to "flap horribly" across the field.told the accuser that shooting with a shotgun isnt as easy as people make out and she was more than welcome to have a go.she declined ???

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I`ve been decoying in a field that is sometimes used as a shortcut by walkers.

Being safety conscious I put up signs to warn people that I`m shooting and that it`s no entry.Quite often people get up to the sign,stop,look all around and as they don`t see me,walk into the field ???

I had someone set their dogs at my duck decoys on a field splash,I scared the **** out of the owner and the dog when I stood up and shouted ;)

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About three years ago I was shooting a field of freshly cut barley stubble, when a parrot landed in the pattern. He (or she) was flying back and fore to the fence posts, and did not seem alarmed at the gun going off.


Obviously it was an escapee, and must be used to humans, reward came to mind and I tried to catch it several times in a hessian sack, but could only get to within a yard of it before it flew off.


When I called back at the farm on the way home I said to the farmer and his son "guess what I could have shot today"?, (thinking that they would not believe me), they both started laughing and both said together "a parrot". The owner had been around the small village and the local farms asking for any sightings to be reported to him and there was a reward on offer.

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