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What to do ??

Sha Bu Le

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For the last 3-4 years we have had a grey squirrel appear in the garden occasionally..no big problem, we don't have a red population here in north east Uk.


To make things complicated SWMBO likes it and it would upset her no end if I offed it.


Two mornings ago ..........three squirrels, 2 juveniles + adult, now thats a bit of an increase but her indoors saw them and said aawwww


This morning 05:30 4 of the little thingys...destroying the song birb feeders but not much else.....also bold as brass,,easy kills.


Only thing is every time they appear the beloved is there. don't want to upset her so would lurve a plan B else this time next year we will be talking 15-20


Any suggestions giving due consideration to conjugal rights, nice teas etc....



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Watch them and figure out times of arrival and departure, then once a time slot is figured send the missus out for a nice new dress and deal with mr squirrel with an air rifle ( obviously not letting the pellet leave your boundary) .


You could then maybe make her a nice hat to go with it ;):good:

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Just because you have seen a small increase this year doesn't mean they will increase at the same rate. Once the youngsters are old enough to fend for themselves they will depart to pastures new PROVIDING you don't keep on feeding them. Also, shooting these squirrels will just create a vacancy for more squirrels to move in if the food supply remains the same.


Buy some squirrel proof bird feeders.

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UK your quite correct of course, they will move or be driven out when they are older. However my house backs on to possibly the biggest single ground cemetery in the UK, have also heard Europe (don't know if this is right) Google Earth Bishopwearmouth Cemetery and you'll get some idea of the area.


So when they leave the drey don't think they will go very far, as for food supply............limitless the neighbours spend a fortune buying sacks of bird grub. With exceptions they are song bird daft. And we do get some wonderful birds throughout the year, including ferals and collared doves.


Quite a population of them here 10/15 at a time on next doors bird feeders. Next door left would be happy for me to pop them but next door right is a grumpy old control freak....So I shoot paper targets bottle tops and the occasional novelty target (half empty aerosols etc)




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Just because you have seen a small increase this year doesn't mean they will increase at the same rate. Once the youngsters are old enough to fend for themselves they will depart to pastures new PROVIDING you don't keep on feeding them. Also, shooting these squirrels will just create a vacancy for more squirrels to move in if the food supply remains the same.


Buy some squirrel proof bird feeders.

Like a magical re-filling pint pot.

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My wife does not like me shooting squirrels either, so I wait until she is out, or, because I get up first, nail them whilst she is still asleep.


That having been said, I've not seen any on the bird-table for a while, so perhaps they have got the message

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With apologies to Arnie - They will be back. Shot loads a few years ago when we first acquired the first air rifle. Then came a gap - this year there have been regular intrusions. Shot one a week Jan/Feb. Our big problem at the moment are corvids - jackdaws and magpies. Dropped another maggie this morning.

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Yep! The only answer is to remove the food supply.


UK I agree..only way is to remove food source however that is not going to happen..neighbours all sides buy gallons of the stuff for birdies.


Next door left saw a rat in his garden on Sunday, first one for around 8/9 months ...food supply again.


Speaking to the window cleaner tother day, he does just about the whole estate, he says there are dozens of the little cute things (well not quite in those words.


Re sighting with wad cutters. (15 metres)


ATB Bri....will let y'all know what happens

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With apologies to Arnie - They will be back. Shot loads a few years ago when we first acquired the first air rifle. Then came a gap - this year there have been regular intrusions. Shot one a week Jan/Feb. Our big problem at the moment are corvids - jackdaws and magpies. Dropped another maggie this morning.


Hi GG our biggest problem is ferals and collared doves dozens of the damn things, but just lately we have noticed an increase in the number of mags and carrions. popped a carrion the other night and during last week a couple of ferals and a cd....only makes a small dent. As UK says its the food supply and that aint going to stop. Also got to be careful of next door right; control freak, and don't known his views on getting shot of pests. But he's a bit mutton so not too much of a prob.


Need to be very carefull too, can't shoot higher than about 4 feet (self imposed safety margin) do have a solid 6' back fence as a backstop but we back on to a cemetery which has lots of visitors. Consequently I wait until they land beside my heavy duty backstop of paving flags and pellet traps. Reduces the opportunities somewhat and of course I can't bait them down!!

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Pop one off and then wait till you see a neighbours cat dozing in the garden. put the squidge next to it and then show HID. That way pussy get the blame and you get rid of a squidge.


Uncle ALbert you're as cute as a box of monkeys..........I like it.. there are a couple of cats here I would like to fit up... :good::lol:

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