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What's happened to my LR?!?


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Recently my LR (16" CZ452 Silhouette) has developed shotgun accuracy tendancies and I'm at a loss as to why.


Shooting at 52yards from a bipod on the 4x4 bonnet I'm getting a group as below from a 10round mag:




Swap to my HMR or FAC Air and shoot a 5 shot group and I'd get them all much closer together with at least 3 touching.


This is what I've tried so far:


Quick clean

Use another SAK mod

Without a mod

Proper clean

Tried 3 different scopes with different mounts each time.

Bean bag under the rifle butt - just in case it was just me.


Leaves me thinking it's possibly barrel impingement but the 452's don't have floating barrels afaik so not sure what to try there, I've removed the action from the stock and given it a good wipe through to make sure there wasn't anything stuck between the two, the other possibility I thought of was crown damage but I don't know how to check this... visually it looks ok.


I haven't tried different ammo through it yet but it's always been fine with Winnie Subs in the past (I bought the gun new about 18months ago, probably had less than a 1000 rounds through it since, though I have to admit I have lost count).

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Have you tried :

ditching the bipod & trying a bean bag / rolled up jacket instead?

cleaning - does that include bolt & bolt face, firing pin?

Is the bipod a Harris or other make ?

How tight or not are you securing the bipod (using a lever or knurled adjustment) ?


Good luck


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Are you keeping your head down and looking through the scope after you fire?

You may be lifting your head as you fire and pulling off slightly, causing a variable inaccuracy.

I'd give it a rest for a couple of days and try again, concentrating on proper firing procedure.

Good luck

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Firstly Clean again, strip the bolt including removing the ejectors clean it but do not lube it other than the tiniest amount of very thin rust preventative oil. re- seat the rifle in its stock, checking for dirt corrosion or cracks in the stock, then tighten the stock bolts up and- Try again! if it don't shoot try different ammo - a box of SK should shoot the pants of anything in a CZ.

Still no go and no faults found check out the crown under magnification look for pitting, dents, corosion or other impact type damage.


Has this gun ever been a light striker?

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Oh the beauty of rifle shooting, if you have done all the cleaning thing take the bipod off and shoot off bags on a still day, try several differant types ammo ( even if you have already been down this route) I have the same problem with my hmr, a real love hate relashionship, went out with it the other evening and had a couple of test shots to check zero, miles out so aborted mission. Due to re zero this avo if it stays dry for long enough,my .22lr has a simmons WTC on it,been on the gun for three years and never had to alter the scope. After owning many differant types of scopes I think its fair to say you can't beat a standard 3-9 x50 scope with no frills.( not unless your going to spend a bucket load of money)

Edited by Redgum
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I would say the scope would be the thing to change, had a similar issue with my HMR and two brand new Hawke Tacticals neither would hold a group. Most frustrating going through every variable until you get to the answer.

Edited by JRDS
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The other thing to try is to clamp the rifle in a workmate. Then using the existing scope get it lied up on the target.


Then fire a 5/10 round bunch of shots off without mooving te rifle. You will soon see if the rifles grouping correctly as you should have a grup of bullet holes together, but is not nesercarily near the zero point of the scope.

Edited by Beretta28g
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"Shooting at 52yards from a bipod":Might be worth rechecking from bags.


I too have a 16"Silhouette & have had some issues.Firstly if you use a bipod the flexible nature of the stock gives problems,even floating mine back to the frontlug(80grit paper wrapped round pencil:sands easier than wood)with a lot of clearance I still got contact with the barrel if I leant too much on bipod.I finally fitted another stud further back towards the action:now fine.




Also as just posted there is a known issue with some CZ mags:follower is set at wrong angle,bullet feeds but scrapes the nose.Easy enough to check with another mag or single loading.My particular rifle baffled me because it is so fussy on action screw torque settings.I didn't realize how much it affected grouping,if your problems started after removing/refitting stock yours may be fussy too.I ended up buying a torque screwdriver which helps.These 3shot groups(benched @ 25yds)will give you an idea of difference,final is 3 into virtually 1 hole with 2.8nm rear screw,2.1nm front screw









The CZ section on "Rimfire Central" is well worth checking out.

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