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Centre fire for rabbits ?

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Having got this list of rifles my views are


.22LR OK for rabbits and plinking in the garden

.17 HMR Takes rabbit shooting to the next level. It is great

.17 Rem Another level up again, shoot rabbits 2 or 3 fields away with no recoil just watch the impact in the scope

.223 Rem Why would any one want to use a .223 on rabbits? Big bang, big recoil and big mess of a rabbit


I have been tempted to get a Hornet, to see what it will do and compare it with the other calibers I've got.

Long live the small calibers I think they are great for small vermin and fox, also cheap to reload.

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Dazza , the issue is the 22lr isnt suitable as I simply got so many shots zing off even with decent backstops ! So i lost confidence in the round as i wanted to keep my ticket ! So I have stuck with my HMR wich to date I havent had any problem with !


I just want something i can reload, still do bunnys with but have more poke than the HMR for fox !

I was inpressed with the hornet when I saw it last month ! Could do with finding someone localish so i can join them on a night out to see the hornet with sp`s head shooting bunnys. I would happily cover the ammo costs as it would be my little experiment so to speak. Just need to find someone willing ! :good:

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It all depends on ammo usage in my mind. I shoot the Hornet myself and it's a brilliant round as something in between the bigger centrefires and the .22lr. It is very similar toy the HMR to use but with a little more clout.


I have to agree with Al4x though about the loading side of things. I use my .22lr on permissions where I don't shoot the foxes. Making up a few hundred rounds is no joke and going out and wasting all of that on bunnies is a little daft.


You can head shoot a bunny with anything and leave the rest intact. If you're worried then use a slower expanding bullet as it will still mince the brain when you hit it. I shot loads of bunnies with my 6.5x55 using 130gr Barnes TSX and there was no body damage at all on the head shot ones.

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Where please?



12p per round for a 17HMR? :hmm::no::hmm:

Sorry "apache" but if I am reading that right that works out at £6.00 per box of 50 rounds for a 17HMR - I would love to know where you are getting HMR ammunition at that price as the best I have found was at £9.00 per box and that was 2 years ago mate!




mmm. Last lot I paid £12 for 50, not 100. That does make them 24p doesn't it. :whistling:

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IMO the best replacement for a HMR when rabbits are your main quarry is one of the 17 cal centrefires be it a Fireball or a Ackley hornet.

Both will get the job done very efficiently, will give you up to 100yds extra reach over the HMR and hit with much more clout.

I have handled Alycidons 17 AH and its a beauty, light and fast handling, personally i would go for a fireball over the AH simply because i have an aversion for the hornet case.



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I dont know al4x, i dont have one, but 50-100rnds in an evening is no big deal for most centrefire rifles (apart from the effect on your pocket) but in an hour that would be a different matter.

As for noise the AH is not much louder then the HMR, in fact its hardly distinguishable.

I never shoot that many rabbits, usual only taking what i can use personally, head-shot with my 22-250 by the way :)



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Generally I use .22lr or .17hmr for the bunnies and find them both very effective. The LR is nice an quiet so doesnt scare them too much but the HMR is nice for a bit of extra range. I admit i will shoot rabbits with my .223 if its all i have with me, it really does make a mess of them though. I have never owned a .17 CF, i guess it would be very effective but I think you would be hard pushed to justify a CF rifle for rabbit control.

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just how many rounds will the AH do though


I think it can handle quite a lot. Barrel wear has a direct relation to the amount of powder you burn so I'm told, and the AH doesn't burn much at all. It's one of the best .17's out there if you can be bothered to load it. To be honest I sold that rifle to Al because I was scared of wrecking it - the calibre was pretty amazing on bunnies! :yes:


The Hornet is a great replacement for the HMR for the lazy and poor man. The Ackley Hornet is even better but takes a little bit more work. The toughest bit I found was fiddling with those silly little bullets when home loading, but they certainly do the trick when they hit home!

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I dont know al4x, i dont have one, but 50-100rnds in an evening is no big deal for most centrefire rifles (apart from the effect on your pocket) but in an hour that would be a different matter.

As for noise the AH is not much louder then the HMR, in fact its hardly distinguishable.

I never shoot that many rabbits, usual only taking what i can use personally, head-shot with my 22-250 by the way :)




My god 50-100 rounds in an evening you must have more rabbits near you than we have got in Somerset and Devon put together.

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The short sharp answer if you look at the energy figures is no.


It's why tomorrow was invented: You shoot rabbits on monday with a rimfire and the foxes on tuesday with a centrefire.


However, if you do fancy re-loading, then the Hornet is a good option. I had it sussed but was given a tip which I'm still working on. It was a bit of a fiddle, but if you enjoy the challenge, it's fine. There are loads of bullets available out there, so you don't have to use these. I loaded up some 40gr Nosler BT for single shot for fox giving 790 ft/lbs and then some (mag fed) 35gr V Max for rabbit at 665, purposely done as they shared a common "zero" at 100 yds. The 35gr will load quicker but as the 40 covers Freddy, it's enough for the rabbit.


The latest plan was to load mag fed 50gr but there's been a hic-cup so these will also be single shot I think for 900 ft/lbs. Good for fox out to 200+ yds. If this works out, then it just needs the V Max adjusting to obtain the common "zero" if necessary.


Hope you get it all sorted.

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There is a lot of talk here about head shooting bunnies with the more powerfull centrefires like 22-250 upwards. Well all i can say is you must either do it at extreamly long range or have some very downloaded ammo to do it and retain anything for the table. I have tried it and even head shots will destroy pretty much everything even breaking the bones in the back legs and busting the guts through the sheer hydrolic shock and kinetic energy.

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Thinking about the same problem from a different angle (isnt this why double/combi rifles come from) does anyone make a rimfire with a CF combi? i guess ideally a rimfire semi on the bottom and single CF on top?



If so it would be un moderated and difficult to get a decent scope on so really fairly pointless to most people. There is one on here with a shotgun and deer caliber and from what he has pointed out big deer need to be fairly close due to the poor accuracy.

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There is a lot of talk here about head shooting bunnies with the more powerfull centrefires like 22-250 upwards. Well all i can say is you must either do it at extreamly long range or have some very downloaded ammo to do it and retain anything for the table. I have tried it and even head shots will destroy pretty much everything even breaking the bones in the back legs and busting the guts through the sheer hydrolic shock and kinetic energy.


No kent not at long range and not with downloaded ammo (dangerous mate) but usually at sub 100yds to ensure that the head is reliably hit.

I use my 22-250 AI as this is the smallest calibre i possess loaded with Berger match grade bullets for accuracy.



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No kent not at long range and not with downloaded ammo (dangerous mate) but usually at sub 100yds to ensure that the head is reliably hit.

I use my 22-250 AI as this is the smallest calibre i possess loaded with Berger match grade bullets for accuracy.




Nothing is dangerous if done with the correct knoledge including reduced loads. Your experiances directly contradict mine or you are perhaps far less fussy what you will eat. Somethings amiss what do you need Berger match bullets for accuraccy wise under 100yds :rolleyes: Its easy enough to hit them in the head with most things sub 100 yds

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