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Hornady v Winchester HMR

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I've been using Hornady 17 grain V-max in my CZ, and achieving sub 1inch groups at 110yds.


I recently bought some Winchester Supreme 17 grain V-Max because the shop didn't have any Hornadys. Five shot groups with these were rarely sub 4inch. I was astonished at the difference (especially as I'd stupidly bought 250 of them) :oops:


Has anyone else experienced such extreme group sizes with different HMR ammo?

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yep,federal grouped tighter at 50 than remington.i bought 500 only to find at 100 and 150 the remington were grouping tighter than the federal. figure that one out lol



So..the good ones got bad, and the bad ones got good as the range went out.. :hmm::hmm::hmm::hmm:

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I've been using Hornady 17 grain V-max in my CZ, and achieving sub 1inch groups at 110yds.


I recently bought some Winchester Supreme 17 grain V-Max because the shop didn't have any Hornadys. Five shot groups with these were rarely sub 4inch. I was astonished at the difference (especially as I'd stupidly bought 250 of them) :oops:


Has anyone else experienced such extreme group sizes with different HMR ammo?


Take any unopened winchesters back. I've done that with ammo the rifle didn't like and they swapped them like for like.

My HW60 is the opposite of your CZ. It tack drives Winchesters, tolerates Hornadys below 100 yds but throws them around all over the place at 120+. Its all down to your rifle's harmonics. No two are exactly the same and you just have to find the ammo that suits the individual resonance of your gun.

It varies between models of the same make too. Most HW owners report that their rifles love Remmingtons. Mine treats them like plum stones. Its Winchesters for me or take a catapult. If a gun is that fussy it pays to buy your maximum allocation from the same batch of your favourite ammo if you can.

Edited by Gimlet
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