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17HMR Sonic Crack

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The sonic crack is exactly that as such you only hear it as a reflected sound. For example i have shot loads of crows in the back field taking the shot from an upstairs window sat downstairs you cant hear a thing. So it depends on how close you are to an object that reflects the sonic crack and that shock wave only travels so far out from the shot. Anybody who has done Butt duty in a long range match will know you dont hear shots as such just the crack as it passes overhead, the sound of the shot comes after. Moderators effectively remove the sound of the shot so all you would get is the crack and to hear it you have to be in range of the shock wave and a reflecting object.

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it all depends on the area./surroundings, if there are things for the crack to rebound off it will be louder, and if not then the crack will fall away rather faster than you would think,


i was 250 yards away in fully open ground with nothing more than grass and a few small hedges about, i was using a 20tac last night and the farm house hold asked me when i got back did you shoot anything.


i had a box of 50 rounds with me and only 8 came home,


and the crack from a 20tac is far louder than that of a 17hmr



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As Bob (Scotland Rifles) has just said much depends on the surroundings!

I use a SAK mod on my 17HMR and I have had times when I have shot 3 rabbits one after the other within a few yards of each other at a range of about 80 yards and they have not really flinched while tyheir mates were being shot, yet if I am zeroing in the quarry with high stone rock faces surrounding it the sound that reflects from the rock faces would make you think that I wasn't using a moderator at all!

If you are shooting in open country with a bit of a breeze coming into your face then I would be quite surprised if anything from about 50 yards or onwards out in front of you would hear much at all!

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Having been used to 22 subs where all I can hear is pin, spring, thwack just wondering if I'm disturbing anyone in the evenings. I sometimes get to within about 200 yards of some dwellings, not firing in their direction obviously.


I wouldn't worry in the slightest about noise from an HMR within 200 yards of buildings. It will sound like a cap gun. Try to show consideration though to people out in the open, even though they are well away and behind the shot and in no possible risk. I've had people tell me an HMR shot frightened the life out of them, and its because sonic crack is omni-directional. It seems to fall out of the sky as a sheet of sound with no indication of where its come from. Centre fires, even moderated ones, produce a pronounced muzzle report which places the source of the shot in the landscape. A moderated HMR produces next to no muzzle report, it just expands overhead like a whip crack and can leave people looking round nervously wondering where the hell that came from.

A wave to let farm workers or neighbours in gardens know you're there as you approach ground with people near helps maintain good will.

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It's very strange standing down range from rifles being fired, especially large ones.


I remember marking targets at a 600 yard range not long after I got my FAC. It was very strange to stand there and heat the crack of the bullet passing, then a pause for what felt like a second or two, and then boom - I heard the rifle fire! Weird!


A HMR is a pretty small bullet. The sonic crack from it doesn't seem that offensive to me and to be honest if the people in the houses nearby are inside I doubt they'll even notice. At that range even if they're outside it's not going to sound like much if you're firing away.

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