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First day pigeon shooting with BakerBoy


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I just thought Id post and let you know how my first ever day pigeon shooting went.


I am lucky to have a few pigeonwatch members living close to me, and after contacting BakerBoy Terry, he invited me out on a couple of his permissions yesterday.


Now I am a newby when it comes to shooting. I have only ever a few shot clays and a couple of helpers days on local pheasent shoots, neither of them were very successfull.


I got my first gun last week and was keen to try it out. I met terry at 9am at a local farm. After a quick chat we drove to the first area we were going to decoy. Terry explained everything from flight lines to decoying and most importantly safety. I assisted him in laying decoys and a magnet which I have to admit I didnt think there was a lot to decoying before setting up our first pattern.


It was a bit slow in this area with only a few birds coming into the pattern. I managed to shoot a couple which I was really pleased with. Terry built up my confidence with my shooting as the morning went on. I always put my self under un-needed pressure and terry soon settled me down.


One bird I shot was left in the pattern for about 20 mins only to get up and fly at us and up into the tree above us. I shot it again which finished it off. If you ever see me or terry you can ask the details about the kill but I wont mention it on here lol.


Due to it being so slow we moved onto another perrmission a bit further up the road. This was on the land where terry has a couple of permanent hides. So out with the Decoys and time to sit and wait. Terry explained that the wont be loads of birds but they will come steadily, he wasnt wrong. The first couple of shots were a bit off but after that I got into the swing of it. I hit 3 L and R's and several long birds, 45yrds+. Terry was impressed due to the fact I was using 28g 7.5's. I would of possible put down more if I had 6's.


Terry made me feel at ease with my shooting explaining to trust my eye and gun. I found that as soon as I started thinking about the shot it all went a bit wrong. I've been practicing my gun mount at home and have just about got it nailed now, so I know where im looking my gun is pointing.


Terry had a few birds too, some times picking up his gun, up to his feet and shooting a bird before I'd even seen it. During the day by bird spotting got better to, seeing them a lot earlier than i was in the morning, although there were a few bee's that nearly got shot. Well the do look like birds at distance through the netting!


We ended up with roughly 35-40 birds. Most were picked but lost a couple. Two birds that had fallen in to a un harvested field next door which we couldnt find. I nipped back with my dog a bit later and managed to pick one of those.


I had a fantastic day with great company and for my first day out I couldnt of asked for more.


Thanks again Terry you a star.

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Good report on our day out together Mark :good: .

Once you relaxed into the day you shot really well, a couple of 45/50 yard birds and some good left to rights.

We will have another day out together soon and then a go on your own when I am away on holiday.

You were good company , but too good a listener, if you had shut me up :yes: we could have had a dozen or so more :lol::lol: .



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great write up and very well done to you. i did have a chuckel at the bee quote, think that cos your trying so hard to spot every little movement, the amount of times thnigs other than pigeon have had me get tense and ready to pop up!


round of applause for terry :good: , if only there more like him. well done both of you, hope to hear of more.

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MBE = More Bakers Everyone

= More Beginners Everywhere

= More Beer Everynight

= Any other suggestions?



My bowels emptied! :blink:


My broken ejector, :mad:


My brown eye, :w00t:


Me balls enlarged :o



Great write up, fairplay again Terry for putting something back :good:

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Good write up and well done Terry, as always ever ready to help someone get out. We must try to meet up again, but at this time I am concentrating on the Bucks. Pheasants on soon though, we should try to get booked on a day together somewhere. :good:

Yes we must get together again Jimmy, and we will sort a day out.


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