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First Gun....First Outing!


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Hi all, this is my first post in terms of expolits...so here goes..!


I purchased my first shotgun this week (Beretta Mod.S686 Special - Game), a little older I know but I liked it so much (the look & feel) that I decided this was the one. Plus I thought I'd be frightened to death of laying a new one on the floor etc. ...So how did it go?


Went to the stubble field where I've been given permission to shoot pigeon, however, all the birds were sticking to the trees in the neighbouring fields. Why, I don't know...but I figured wild pigeons would be kind enough to fly towards my un-camouflaged face and, while they're at it... also slow down enough for me to knock them out of the sky. Well I didn't think it was too much to ask!


I called it quits after 3.5 hours. In that time I tried to only go for the (very few) that came within range - not sure my inbuilt range finder is working correctly mind. Still, after firing only 15 cartridges, I've decided that before I return to the venue, a couple of proper lessons might be beneficial. I'll be booking them asap!!


How many woodies did I take home? Oh...didn't I say...errr...NONE!!! ...But was I down-hearted...you betcha!


I'd be very happy to hear from experienced shooters in the Wirral/Merseyside area. All tips gratefully considered...BTW, I know the one about not eating yellow snow!



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You don't say what time you went out, but if all the birds were sitting in the trees on neighbouring fields, they may already have fed.


There is no doubt a hide and decoys would have helped you.

Having a lesson or two, or at least some practice on sporting clays, would help you to get use to the gun.

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You don't say what time you went out, but if all the birds were sitting in the trees on neighbouring fields, they may already have fed.


There is no doubt a hide and decoys would have helped you.

Having a lesson or two, or at least some practice on sporting clays, would help you to get use to the gun.


Hi Cranfield,


Started around 10am finishing at 1:30pm. Wasn't sure on the etiquette in terms of starting too early! I'll take your advice and have a bit of practice on the clays but I think after booking/completing a lesson to identify/iron out any issues re technique.


Thanks to all...and specifically 'imissalot' for the excellent broken bottle advice. All much appreciated!!

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If you can get and experienced person to come and show you the ropes you will speed up your learning process dramatically. I'm sure someone maybe without their own permission even, would offer to come out for a day.

There are some good books worth reading like John Bately's.

Contact Denny Essex from the forum and ask him to send you a copy of the paper he wrote for beginners. There are loads of usefull tips in there too. You can tell him I told you about the paper.


And just keep asking questions here, there are loads of knowledgable people on the site.



Edited by Cosd
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MTS Mal, it can be a bit disheatening not getting a kill on your first outing but don't let that put you off! It could be that your "inbuilt range finder" is not working right an you were trying to take on birds that were out of range, it could be that you were giving them too much or not enough lead or it could even be the type of cartridges you were using, in fact it could be a combination of a load of different things that were causing you to miss. As has been suggested a lesson or two might not go amiss. There are plenty of real good and helpful guys on this forum who no doubt would be willing to accompany you for an outing or two and tell you where you are going wrong, if you ask I am sure that one or two will offer to help. If you weren't so far from me I would be willing to help you out, even though I am not the best with a shotgun - I am more of a rifle man myself.

To incerase your chances in the mean time try beg steal or borrow a few decoys and a cheap hide, that should give you the opportunity of a few more birds to hone your skills with.

Keep your chin up mate and I am sure it will not be long before help comes your way and you are knocking them down left right and centre!

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This is the best place to learn all about decoying properly, so much knowledge on here. Have a day out on the clays, and see if you can tag up with someone with a lot more experience, as that is the best way to learn, apart from getting out there and trying it yourself. This time next year, you will look back and think, christ I have learnt loads! Happy shooting.

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Keep at it mate and listen to all of the guys on here! Not everything works for everybody but you will soon work out what works for you. Defo need a hide and decoys though, check out the trading post on here, sometimes offers come up but you need to be quick!!

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Try asking brian28, he's from the Wirral, and he may accompany you for a day and give you a few tips. There's probably quite a few more from the Wirral too on here. I'm sure someone would be only too glad to accompany you.

Edited by caeser
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