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Essex PW clay shoot


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I'm really tempted to come along for the morning's shooting and bacon roll eating. It's a trek from London, but I may be able to dump my other half with her vile in-laws in Maldon, then head to the shooting ground.



Do it, you know it makes sense on so many different levels. And hey, if you forget to pick up the old bag on the way home well that's c'est la vie.

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Okay, so is this now set in stone and does it need any verification on numbers with the clay ground because I am the most impatient Berkshire on the planet and if I end up queuing behind 10 guided clay shooters from the RNIB on a day out then there's going to be a problem.


Anyhows, I have a heavy golfing engagement the day before (and therefore make my excuses re: shooting performance and what will be a very nasty hangover), but have booked the Saturday off with the missus - apparently it's father's day on Sunday and I therefore have an irrevocable pink pass.



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I will try and make it if im not working,never shot at braintree shooting ground it's only about a 20min drive for me but i normaly go to lakenheath gun club.If anyone is interested there is a small shooting supplies near braintree shooting ground :angry:

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i wont know untill the day or night before if im able to make it. Firstly we are shooting in the afternoon and cant get out of that, and secondly my dad has a bad neck through a repetitive strain injury so has been trying to go easy on both the shooting and long distance driving in a hope it will get better.


What time in theory would we be meeting?

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I suggest that we gat there for 9.00AM, we can then go and shoot some clays, this gives us the option of a cup of tea and a bacon roll a bit later on.


Also by getting there at that time the chances are we won't have to put up with an irate mungler having to wait his turn.


Current prices are £23.00 per 100 clays. Cartridges are sold at the ground if you need them, you will obviously need your ticket.


I don't know if we need verification of numbers as there is no need to book in, you just turn up and shoot. I will aim to be there from 8.45AM


I should be quite easy to recognise, I am 6'4" tall and about 18stone. I have a blue skeet vest with a winchester badge on it.


See you all then





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An early start is a good idea.


6' 4" eh and 18 stone? Before proceeding any further I would wish to double check that I have not offended you at all on these forums board and that I don't owe you any money. Depending on your answer I will be the one who will / will not be wearing glasses.


Also I maybe wearing a dress and going by the name of Mary, after all it will be the weekend.




What is it about bacon / sausage rolls at clay grounds - the smell always gets me (hmmmm onions) and even this idle banter makes me want to nip out for a hot soft bacon roll with fried onions and a little bit of english mustard and a good spread of ketchup.


hhhhmmmmmmmmmmm bacon rolls (said in Homer Simpson fashion)

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I am not going to spoil the fun and let you know in advance whether you have offended me, thus giving you the option to "BOTTLE" it, it is nice to see the excuses about poor performance coming out well in advance as well.


HMMM, hangover hey? Don't worry we can break you in gently on some nice 120' high oscillating crossers which do about 75MPH. Then we can do some difficult stuff.





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The only "bottling" to be done is the smell of my impending victory - "Odour Victory De La Mungler".


Yes I can smell Mungler victory, no hang on, I can taste it... washed down with a hearty breakfast of Cavie defeat.


Yum yummy.


Having given your height and weight advantage some further consideration I am less concerned as it has been pointed out to me that we will be both armed and I will therefore have the distinct advantage - unless that is I dress up in a Cow's **** costume and you leave your shotgun at home and bring your banjo instead.


Yours in anticipated stunning victory,


Mr. Mungler

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All score cards will be scanned and posted on here, so we can all see who is all mouth and no trousers. Hey Mungler :good:









Yeah yeah yeah.


I will of course be in charge of (1) keeping score and (2) scanning said score cards.


I would take this opportunity to re-affirm that (1) I will be hung over (2) I have only been doing this since March 2006 (3) I am generally quite unlucky.


Cunningly, by setting the ground thus, if I beat you I reckon the gloating will be multiplied by at least a power of 10 (you might as well just cut the plug off your computer because going on-line will never be the same again) and in the event you do win I shall play the hung over newbie card and shall insinuate that you cheated like a bitch.


Yours in triumphant splendour,


Mr. Mungler

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So it is Mr Mungler now is it?


Remind me to get on my knees and chant we are not worthy when you turn up. :good: :yp:


I really won't mind if you beat me, to be honest it won't be that hard. Yes I do shoot there about half a dozen times a year but that doesn't really give me that much of an advantage. Or does it :good:


Honestly I am really looking forward to meeting all of you and enjoying a mornings shooting. I know that I won't completely disgrace myself, unless you lot are really Digweed, Faulds and Ling. :lol:


Or we shoot skeet





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So it is Mr Mungler now is it?


Remind me to get on my knees and chant we are not worthy when you turn up. :good: :yp:


I really won't mind if you beat me, to be honest it won't be that hard. Yes I do shoot there about half a dozen times a year but that doesn't really give me that much of an advantage. Or does it :good:


Honestly I am really looking forward to meeting all of you and enjoying a mornings shooting. I know that I won't completely disgrace myself, unless you lot are really Digweed, Faulds and Ling. :lol:


Or we shoot skeet










It will be a good day and I can tell it's gonna be a blinding laugh which is what it's all about.



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All score cards will be scanned and posted on here, so we can all see who is all mouth and no trousers. Hey Mungler :good:







Is this my version of the score cards or the originals?


I hope i can make it, even if the old man dosent shoot.

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Top tip for this ground which I shall be bringing, will be a set of binos for the high tower.

They need oxegyn from there :good:




PS Also forgot the club rules highest score buys the teas :good:


Thank god I have 2 left eyes.

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Well i can't make it. It's right before payday and i just can't stretch to it. :good:


Well i could but that would mean my pregnant girlfriend would have to do without food for a few days, Hmmmmmmm, maybe not, you know how woman can always find something to complain about. lol. :good:


I hope you all have a good day and make sure you post the results. With a bit of luck there'll be another and i'll make it!

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its looking increasingly unlikely that i will be able to attend :no:


next sat. will more than likely be the first chance i will have to try the new rifle when it finally arrives, and my dads gun was due to be finished tomorrow and arrive in the gunshop next saturday.


However if i can make it i will do my best, i quite like the sound of this clay ground, and its somewhere new to shoot :good:

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its looking increasingly unlikely that i will be able to attend :yes:


next sat. will more than likely be the first chance i will have to try the new rifle when it finally arrives, and my dads gun was due to be finished tomorrow and arrive in the gunshop next saturday.


However if i can make it i will do my best, i quite like the sound of this clay ground, and its somewhere new to shoot :good:


Looks me and you will be the only Kent shooters going then nick :/


See you there Martin :no:




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