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Driven Fox Shoot.


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Hiya, Had my first driven fox shoot of the new season today, and it was without doubt an outstanding day out...


We met up at the "leader offs" house at 7.30am...and drove for another 1/2 hour to the first drive...NOTHING showing at all.....pouring rain, and windy...then on to the next...just one fox which went to ground in a massive pile of rock......on to the third, and this is when the day started to get good...:)


The hounds were singing after 5 mins, which makes the hair on the back of my neck standup...:) Out popped 3 foxes, all accounted for...then the radio crackled,one of the guys called the leader... there were 3 police cars waiting to see us at the bottom of the road...someone had called them..:) One Transit, one Estate car, and one 4x4...mob handed...:)


As the drive had finished, we went down to see them.,.....with 3 foxes on top of the hound trailer..just to show the officers what we we were doing...... they werent there...turns out they had been up the track talking to the "leader off" and the farmer... then down the track comes police Transit, "our colleagues will be down in a minute to talk to you" they said......"ok" says us...then 2 mins later, estate car comes down..."our colleagues will be down to see you in a minute" says them, "Ok" says us...then a phone call from the leader..., we have to meet at the farm..."ok" says us ...off we go...all to the farm...we are there 10 mins, and the 4x4 goes past on the main road....!!!!..:) Leader shows up, seemingly 4x4 officer had said, "I would love it if all those guys werent there when I got down the track"!!! LOL.....There were 8 of us...and seemingly, it was far too much paperwork.... :lol:


Anyway, off to drive no 4, and a single Fox accounted for...then the fifth and final drive which was only a short walk away...2 foxes accounted for, by the same gun... he was well chuffed...:)


I personally didnt have any today... it's just yer luck, BUT a belter of a day out lying in peat bogs, in the pouring rain.... AND a couple of really happy farmers..:)


A few pics from our day...next shoot in a couple of weeks,...:)


Pics of five of the Foxes, the hounds got to one of them after it was killed, and it's not a nice pic..:)






The Hounds and their owner..with the first three foxes....he didnt want his face showing, he's very modest..LOL.. his training and his love of his dogs, ensured we had a cracking day out.....:)



Edited by Norrie
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Looks like you had a good day Norrie - it was thunder/lightening & chucking it down when I set off in the morning :oops:



Thanks guys,...It was an amazing day, they aint always like that BTW...some days we dont even see a fox...:)


Tam, You'd be welcome to join us next time if you fancy it....new guns are always welcome, as guys come and go depending on the weather...which doesnt worry me in the slightest...rain or snow, I love it.........I know you'd have fun....ladies are very welcome too, there was a lass up from Newcastle on Saturday..:)

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Thanks guys,...It was an amazing day, they aint always like that BTW...some days we dont even see a fox...:)


Tam, You'd be welcome to join us next time if you fancy it....new guns are always welcome, as guys come and go depending on the weather...which doesnt worry me in the slightest...rain or snow, I love it.........I know you'd have fun....ladies are very welcome too, there was a lass up from Newcastle on Saturday..:)


Give me a shout Norrie & if im doing nowt I might go ;)

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Great read and a great result. Cant wait for our hunt to start now :good: :good: :good:



Yep, It seemed like an age before it started again this year...tho, must admit, I was on a wee shoot a couple of months ago,with just two fantastic Beagles, just 1/2 mile along the road from me...4 Foxes accounted for there ...:)

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Great write up and pics, sounds like a great day out.


No one with a terrier to get the first one which went to ground?



Hiya, There was a local guy who had terriers at his house..we carried on with the shoot while he went for a dog...leaving his mate ( without a gun) to watch for the Fox...it came out, and legged it back into the forrest...next time tho...:)

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