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Air Rifle Suggestions


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Dear All,


I was wondering if you could help me here please?


I apologize if this is similar to the shotgun suggestion request posted previously.

Please allow me to explain!


Recently my eldest brother purchased two air-rifles for rabbit, pigeon and hare shooting.

Our parents seem hard fast against shotguns but don't appear to object to air-rifles.


My brother showed me his two yesterday and allowed me to try them for weight.

He's already been granted permission to shoot on a local farm and has invited me along if I wish, when I'm ready.

I have of course accepted.


When I tried one of his rifles, he confirmed what I knew all along - due to my disability I require a LEFT hand weapon!

To use his words, "When you had it right-handed, you were being thrown slightly out of balance."

I'm not sure what he meant by this, but felt uncomfortable anyway when right handed, and a lot better on the left hand!


I'm looking for an air rifle to using for pigeon, hare and rabbit shooting.


What I am looking for is below:


1. Air Rifle - This must be LEFT handed


2. Scope


3. Sling


Can you suggest a suitable product or products to me which I could use?


I can't manage anything that has a heavy recoil, and weight also needs to be considered too.


We both discussed about obtaining the weapon as I don't drive yet, (my brother said he'd take me out), but I have found a supplier whom delivers weapons to addresses on production of ID. http://www.pellpax.co.uk/


Your suggestions would be appreciated.


If you need further information, please don't hesitate to contact me.


I hope to hear from you soon.


Thanks for your time.


Kind Regards,


Marc Watson

Edited by Marc_Watson
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Well Marc,


The most important question is: what's your budget?


If you can't manage something with a lot of recoil then a PCP (pre charged pneumatic) is probably your best course of action. These are rifles powered by an air cannister that is re charged by wither a stirrup pump or a divers air bottle. These guns have very little recoil although they are quite expensive.


Left handed wise you can find left handed models if you look in the right places and most gun rooms will order a left handed model in for you if non are in stock although they do tend to be a couple of ££ more than the standard mass produced right handed models.


Again with the scope, sling and rifle you can generally pick them up as a package from the gun dealer or failing that you can find guns on this forum (among others) in the for sale section.


Good brands to look out for are Air Arms, BSA, Weihrauch and Daystate (if you wipe your bum on £50 notes)

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Read the advice pinned at the top of the airgunners part of the forum re: code of practise. Please for get all about shooting hares with an airgun.


All air rifles are restricted to 12ft-lb,so style, ease of use and operation are all important. Any full power rifle will be as effective for hunting as the next ooomph wise!


There is more than just Pellpax. You can arrange for a seller, private or shop, to deliver to a registered firerms dealer, who can then let you collect the gun from him/her for a small fee.


You need a sling and mounts, Ant Supplies supply these online for a good price.


Nikko and Hawke both do good entry level scopes - you have to buy mounts for these, try and get some branded ones by either of the above or better.


You need a bag to transport the thing legally - get one the scope fits into OK.


When you have looked around you can always ask on here what people think of the set-up you are thinking of. I have shot for decades; but I know nothing about PCPs or CO2 powered guns for example. PW is where I would ask for advice if thinking of buying one.

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You could do much worse than an Air Arms S200-its a lightweight and the stock is ambidextrous.Its a PCP which means you will need a bottle to fill it but they often come on the market as a whole package.Google search your area for Airgun clubs and pop along-the information and experience you can gain is free yet invaluable.Dont spend a fortune on a scope-if you can see clearly at the ranges you intend to shoot then that should suffice for now + if you do go down the PCP eoute then the scope does'nt need to put up with recoil.Not wanting to start a huge (and boring) debate I will refrain from suggesting which caliber to choose-as long as its .177 you should be fine. :yes:

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Grab yourself a brocock contour in 177 awesome rifle and full uk power also one of the most light rifles you can buy. I have one and wouldn't change it for the world. I'm also left handed and even though the stock is right handed I have no problems but I think you can get a left handed stock.


You can pick them up from pelpex but I wouldn't pay there prices!


Hope you find what your Looking for and welcome aboard.

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Lots of good advice there Marc, all I could add is for you to decide, bearing in mind your disability, whether you could manage a spring powered gun which needs cocking or would be happier with a PCP.

Either way, if you put a location in your profile you may find someone close who could help with getting your hands on a few different types. Local clubs may have various guns you can try.

It might also be worth spending some time on the various owners clubs, AAOC, BSAOC etc, just to get some feedback on different models and specs.

Good luck and hope you have a succesful search for your ideal rifle.



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Please add your location: if you are near me you are welcome to try my guns, I'm sure others will help you!

I shoot left hand as well, as my right eye is weak, and have found many right hand rifles are perfectly useable, if I were you I'd look for a complete used PCP outfit, then if you don't take to shooting you can resell, or keep up the sport and upgrade your kit as you progress. Good luck! :good:

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Bingo, I have an answer, you will like this a lot, trust me, an awful lot, how about free servicing, for as long as you own the gun? How about free repairs of failed parts, for as long as you own the gun? You do not want a left hander, you want an ambidextrous stock, so that when you come to sell it, you can sell it to a right or left hander, both calibres .177 or .22 will take out furry and feathered quarry.


Ahem I present the Scorpion SE, at the Airgun Centre, they deliver and unlike Pellpax their prices are blasted good!



Airgun Centre

Edited by secretagentmole
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  • 4 weeks later...

With that sort of budget you could buy almost any pcp however i personally would recommend the theoben fenman as it is ambidexterious (spell check needed) and is highly accurate. If you want pigeons then .177 would be advisable however its what works for you. just go into a gunshop and try them out just dont say that your willing to pay £600 as they will try and get you to buy the most expensive one. The only negative on the fenman is that it is non repeating (single shot) and sometimes reloading is a pain (especially when theres a now very annoyed rabbit at 10m)


hope that helped

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