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I'm Back

Maori Haz

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In terms of PW i have been away for a long time, a month or two (at most) but a lot of things have happened.... But i bet no one has missed me!


Firstly i went to wales on a farm in Carmarthenshire with my good friend.. we brought out air rifles and spent days either fly fishing (for sea + brown trout) or nailing vermin.. it was great but can't remember tally except got my first crow and magpie :good:


My Father is also ready to get SGC (maybe this weekend)


and i've chosen army at school CCF (for the shooting)...


also i met a marksman, former international target air rifle shooter and vermin controller who might take me out on a farm near us...


other than that i've fine and you probably haven't noticed, but oh well!


Haz :lol:


P.S. i can't believe i've missed out on the PW badge and also i hope everyone has been shooting well and is in good health :good::P

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Welcome back Haz, you haven't missed anything about the badge (only the few months of design discussion) - it has loads of life let in yet :good:


Sounds like you have used your time away well, I am steering my son towards CCF as they go on some decent trips and his school has a 25 metre indoor range that they can use :good:

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CCF at y school is ok, and they have and indoor 25 metre range under the science block that is cleared for rimfire .22 and we use air rifles and lee enfield no8s. what regiment is ur CCF haz, ares is the RGBW which is disbanding thanks to this lame government.






ps welcome back, u havent missed much

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