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.223 bullet weight

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Hey guys. I'm developing a load for my .223 and I'm not happy with the bullets I've tried so far. I want to go heavier but I'm not sure how far I can push it?


I have a Browning A-Bolt, so 1-12 twist I think. I've tried 50gr Blitzkings which the gun didn't like that much, and 40gr V-Max which I don't like much because they seem to drift a lot in the wind.


I'd like to try the Sierra Varminter 60gr HP as I think they'd be better for range use and also ok for Fox. Are they too heavy for a 1-12? Borderline perhaps? Or even fine?


I have considered A-Max but I want to try something cheaper - I'm as tight as it gets when I feed my bunny rifles and I waste a lot of ammo at the range! :rolleyes:

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Ok, thanks for the advice. It seems 50-55gr is as high as you've all suggested I go. Is that because anything heavier doesn't handle well with a slow twist or because you like to keep the trajectory as flat as possible?


55gr is a good step up from what I've got now. Hopefully it will help with the windage a bit because the 40's, well they wander all over the place! I was shooting at the range yesterday and my 7-08 was drifting about an inch over 200 yards - the .223 was three or four. I know I can't make the .223 shoot like the 7-08, but a bit less drifty would be good! I don't mind drop as I find it easy enough to range things. Wind baffles me though! :blush:

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Well I dropped in to see my RFD and get some. He didn't have Sierra Varminters but he did have Bergers in 55gr so I got those as I want to get on with trying them.


If they work then I'm happy. If not I guess I'll have to make an order for the suggested bullets from the states and wait for them to arrive. It's a long drive to most RFD's around here and I couldn't stand the thought of going home empty handed. Should have phoned first! :blush:

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Hopefully it will help with the windage a bit because the 40's, well they wander all over the place! I was shooting at the range yesterday and my 7-08 was drifting about an inch over 200 yards - the .223 was three or four.

Unless you regularly shoot in that sort of wind you can more or less forget any results from yesterday.

Those 52grn A max's one holed at 50 but were blowing off and inch or 2 at 100 yards, depending on the gusts.

I was messing about plinking with the .22 and was aiming up the right hand side of stuff just to hit it :blink:

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That range certainly does test you at times. Yesterday was nothing - last time I was there it was that windy I thought my gun was going to blow away!


I just found the 40's winded more than I'm used to. I don't mind an inch or so but not three. That's excessive. When you're out on a rough night it's one less thing to worry about if you know you don't have to worry too much about anything other than range and the backstop.

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Strangely, I've just been on the Berger website and they list all their bullets up to 64gr as suitable for a 1-12. They must be short for weight as everywhere else I've looked suggests that 55gr is about the heaviest I should go? 60 as an absolute maximum depending on the gun?


So how come Berger (who should know) say that 1-12 will handle up to 64gr? I'm confused! :hmm:

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