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government spying on motorists here's proof


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Following the Government's freedom of information act you can now get access to speed camera offences over the last 12 months.

What we didn't know is that every time you car goes past a speed camera at even 1mph. above the set limit, it is registered and put onto a database. You only get a ticket if you are way over the top.


If you receive 20 near misses you will be classed as a 'serial offender' and get a ticket next time you go over the limit by even a small amount, this is why you hear of people being done for 33 mph.in a 30mile limit and others doing 39 do not.

You can check what has been registered against your vehicle at http://www.e-database.co.uk You will be asked for a password but just click on 'need a log in'. This gets you into the site and you will be given a user name & password for future use. If there is any data on your vehicle you can click on the camera window to see a copy of the photograph.

Happy spying

You can use my password if you want

All in lowercase

Logon name is cinna

Password is freds :good:

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Great info Bertie and glad to find some-one who's keeping an eye on the 'watchers'. Cheers, Axel.




Eh? And double Eh?


This is either Axel being amazingly left field satirical or he hasn't read the whole post right the way down to the speed camera photo for the car with the number plate "bertieisgay".


Apologies to Bertie, I understand that you are not gay, however, I had a letter limit for my spoof abusive number plate and "gay" was the only 3 letter insult I could muster. Please, no 3 letter suggested insult words, I am already on a final final final warning from the Cranmeister for using too many naughty words.

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