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Shooting sticks


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I have read that springers off shooting sticks isn't Ideal but also read that the tx200 is the exception to the rule. Any one use the tx that can shed any light? I always use sticks with my xs78 so am getting into the habit. Also gives me something to hit my shooting partner with when his shufflin is making too much noise without throwing my sights out.

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Try shooting your TX with it resting on something solid. If it shoots high then don't use sticks. You may be able to rest your arm/hand on a stick and then rest the gun on your hand though - springers need something soft to rest on to cope with the recoil. TX is said to be nearly recoiless; how much nearly is really is up to you to find out...

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I wouldn't go out without my sticks, they've opened up a whole new world for bunny bashing with my s400 but that's a pre-charge. What you could try is cradling the gun in your palm with the back of your hand in the V of the sticks. I use a couple of green plastic garden canes that are about 10mm thick with elastic bands wrapped around the joint. I also use a few down one leg to stop them rattling together and a bit of foam and brown insulating tape where the gun sits :good:

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You might be thinking of the TX200SR ( Semi-Recoiless) which has a system that allows the metalwork to move inside the woodwork on a slide. Normal TX200's do recoil, although not as much as some others.


I often shoot my TX supported on my thumb, I grab a sapling in my fist and stick my thumb out to rest the rifle. Perhaps you could do something similar with your sticks.

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I made some shooting sticks similar to those made by "Huntersvermin" The top end incorporates a hand rest formed from pipe insulation and covered in waterproof tape. Rest your hand or arm in the "V" hold the gun as normal, like you would if resting on a bench or similar.

My prosport works well like this and so does the cometa 300 I use for lamping. No problems at all.

I use two different sizes, one long set for standing/normal use and a shorter set that I use when sitting in a hide or hedgerow.

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I made some shooting sticks similar to those made by "Huntersvermin" The top end incorporates a hand rest formed from pipe insulation and covered in waterproof tape. Rest your hand or arm in the "V" hold the gun as normal, like you would if resting on a bench or similar.

My prosport works well like this and so does the cometa 300 I use for lamping. No problems at all.

I use two different sizes, one long set for standing/normal use and a shorter set that I use when sitting in a hide or hedgerow.

I made my sticks from the same instruction, There is a bit of give on the spacer so hopefully I'll be alright.

Sound advice as usual guys cheers and will be trying your suggestion catweazle.

Edited by nobby
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