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Shoot called off

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you never know there may be more to it, if they have had disease issues then they may have a drug withdrawl period before they can be eaten, usually if its just early season then the guns get asked to pick the older birds and the rest get stirred up a bit. We're out for the 2nd time today and yes pheasants aren't really ready so mostly will be partridges and last years birds

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As Alex has pointed out, there may be a medication withdrawl period requirement.


It may be that the birds have very short tails!


Pheasants fly best when they are mature, with full tails, its generally accepted that the birds need to be 20 to 22 weeks old before maturity is achieved.


Many shoots release birds late and set first shoot days early, this can only result in the shooting of imature birds. Some shoots claim that they can't hold the birds, others simply to save on the cost of food, risk of disease and the extra work involved; put simply, its poor management. Asking guns to select "sporting shots" is fine when the shoot produces a number of low birds; but to do it because to birds are not ready to be shot is poor form in my book.



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As Alex has pointed out, there may be a medication withdrawl period requirement.


It may be that the birds have very short tails!


Pheasants fly best when they are mature, with full tails, its generally accepted that the birds need to be 20 to 22 weeks old before maturity is achieved.


Many shoots release birds late and set first shoot days early, this can only result in the shooting of imature birds. Some shoots claim that they can't hold the birds, others simply to save on the cost of food, risk of disease and the extra work involved; put simply, its poor management. Asking guns to select "sporting shots" is fine when the shoot produces a number of low birds; but to do it because to birds are not ready to be shot is poor form in my book.



understand your point of view but a small saturday syndicate with guns who work shifts or overtime etc have to know the shoot dates at least a month or two in advance to organise the time off work so if all the birds have not matured in time for the first day then the only option is to ask the guns to be selective we had to do this yesterday and the lads had a few shots the birds got a stired up by the spanial's noses on there tails and yes the bag was small but consisted of long tails so :good: sporting guns the other point is we only have so many saturdays in the season to hold a shoot and to rest the drives.

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understand your point of view but a small saturday syndicate with guns who work shifts or overtime etc have to know the shoot dates at least a month or two in advance to organise the time off work so if all the birds have not matured in time for the first day then the only option is to ask the guns to be selective we had to do this yesterday and the lads had a few shots the birds got a stired up by the spanial's noses on there tails and yes the bag was small but consisted of long tails so :good: sporting guns the other point is we only have so many saturdays in the season to hold a shoot and to rest the drives.



My point is that some shoots don't release their poults early enough to allow the birds to mature sufficiently prior to being shot.

Thats got nothing to do with working syndicate members or the number of Saturdays in the season.



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My point is that some shoots don't release their poults early enough to allow the birds to mature sufficiently prior to being shot.

Thats got nothing to do with working syndicate members or the number of Saturdays in the season.



ok but as you say in your post there is a margin of weeks for birds to mature so if your poults are sold to you a week younger than you think they are say 7 wks old and not 8 and then you set your dates at 21 wk what then .yes i know in a perfect world all would be rosey but i don't live there and we still only take sporting/mature birds.a.t.b. and have a good season

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One place i shoot all ex layers are put down so we are hot to trott on the 1st Oct. On another shoot we buy in poults and release them well in time to be ready come the first shoot date at the end of October, however our plans have been somewhat altered by a large influx of immature poults(riddled with disease)into our pens from a neihbouring shoot. As i type they are under medication (and lock and key) and are being fed a healthy diet in a bid to keep them local when mature and healthy. Parts of the shoot so affected are off limits for the time being and drives are being planned around the (un)fortunate issue... :D

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