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Driven day (mainly partridge).


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Its a day I take off myself on the shoot i manage/keeper.

So all the guns are my mates and the wives and kids come along.

There is no bag limit on us and they are all very selective.

As you could see very bright and no wind so the pheasants didn't perform very well.

We had a wild duck drive which was mixed in with a partridge drive, excellent the ducks came from behind the pegs and the partridge from the front.

Very exciting I had over a box of shells on that drive alone (where i'm stood in the rape).

The craik is always great and as the guns are made up from some of the usual beaters, the beaters try extra hard for us.

And the best part is because i'm shooting my son steps in and runs the beating line for me, he does a great job and enjoys it.

My son, daughter, nephew and wife (when not filming) were beating for me.

Does'nt get any better.

Edited by yds
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Its a day I take off myself on the shoot i manage/keeper.

So all the guns are my mates and the wives and kids come along.

There is no bag limit on us and they are all very selective.

As you could see very bright and no wind so the pheasants didn't perform very well.

We had a wild duck drive which was mixed in with a partridge drive, excellent the ducks came from behind the pegs and the partridge from the front.

Very exciting I had over a box of shells on that drive alone (where i'm stood in the rape).

The craik is always great and as the guns are made up from some of the usual beaters, the beaters try extra hard for us.

And the best part is because i'm shooting my son steps in and runs the beating line for me, he does a great job and enjoys it.

My son, daughter, nephew and wife (when not filming) were beating for me.

Does'nt get any better.


Sure doesnt fella.Much better when the family are getting stuck in too,and especially the gentle encouragement your missus was giving you.

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Very good John, what reticle you now got on them zeiss glasses ? :hmm:

shouldn't have any glasses now.

had my eyes lasered in june.

didn't quite get there so have to have them "enhanced" but have not got the time to have 5 days off (recovery) till march.

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Bit C rap aren't ya :lol:


Nice to see some selective shooting :good:

Well done John

Like the title said, my beloved supportive wife.

I didn't shoot great on the first drive but we had ducks coming from behind and partridges zipping over the hedge infront as well as a bright sun.

All my excuses my feet were all over trying to keep track, it was very exciting to say the least.

I did improve alot later after the inital barraking from the other guns, I began taking more birds with the first shot.

Just a good day with my family and friends, we ended up with 135 birds with 9 guns and 433 shots.

Edited by yds
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Like the title said, my beloved supportive wife.

I didn't shoot great on the first drive but we had ducks coming from behind and partridges zipping over the hedge infront as well as a bright sun.

All my excuses my feet were all over trying to keep track, it was very exciting to say the least.

I did improve alot later after the inital barraking from the other guns taking more birds with the first shot.

Just a good day with my family and friends, we ended up with 135 birds with 9 guns and 433 shots.


John settle down my friend i was joking :lol:

Could do with a few more selective shooters on are shoot :yp:

PS, hope that was the twenty you was using ;)

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