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Petition to stop cash in hand scrap metal trade


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Stupid idea :angry:

The scrappy who takes in bent gear isn't going to stop is he!

Its getting ridiculous in this country now, all this and other schemes like it will do is to punish the honest people, whilst making no difference at all to the people set on breaking the law :angry:


So let's have no laws and a free for all, survival of the fittest?

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There are already laws in place that make this proposed legislation nonsense.


All persons taking metals into a scrap yard must by law provide sufficient details of their name and address for them to be traced. The scrap dealer also by law has to record the registration number of any vehicle used to convey the scrap into the yard.


Anyone bringing in waste that is not personal household waste must by law have a valid Waste Transfer Licence. That includes plumbers and electricians weighing in their perks. If their company does not have a Waste Transfer Licence they need one themselves.


Insurance companies now have a clause in every trade policy that if they have any vehicle carrying non-ferrous metals they must declare it to the insurers who then charge £2,000 extra for the cover.


The problem with this type of theft is that the police are not investigating scrap dealers sufficiently well enough to prevent them buying stolen metals. A few years ago, after I had been injured and was off front line duties I put together an operation after researching the books of two dodgy dealers. The plan was to prosecute certain individuals for theft & handling and also benefit fraud. All the evidence was collated. It is still waiting to happen. The force has no interest in pursuing this type of thing. They are more concerned with offering reassurance and community projects.

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So let's have no laws and a free for all, survival of the fittest?


Jings crivens and help ma boab.Typical nonsensical answer there fella.Because someone thinks a new law would be stupid then lets have no laws at all is your answer.Are there any laws at all you dont agree with,or are you perfect?If they say ban shotguns,do we all say good idea and tell those who argue lets have no laws at all? :hmm:

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Jings crivens and help ma boab.Typical nonsensical answer there fella.Because someone thinks a new law would be stupid then lets have no laws at all is your answer.Are there any laws at all you dont agree with,or are you perfect?If they say ban shotguns,do we all say good idea and tell those who argue lets have no laws at all? :hmm:


If you read it in the context of the quote I used it would make more sense, the defeatist attitude of "we can't change it, we'll just ignore it" and by the way it helps "honest joe" make a few quid on the side argument just doesn't wash with me I'm afraid. Too much time at the sharp end mopping up "honest joe" and his "och it's only a wee drop" attitude kicking me square in the plums when I have to add up all the wee drops at the end of a job... then pay for them.

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as usual the new law will only stop legitimate people getting a few beer tokens. its not the people collecting scrap, its the dodgy scrap men that exept it. if the scrap men would stop taking 'illegal' scrap, there wouldnt be an outlet to sell it. nobody will ever get rid of cash as payment, they never have until now so doubt they ever will.

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I still don't get what Dubya geedee is on about.....

If I want to weigh in my scrap, which has been replaced by new stuff that I've already been taxed to **** on, and keep the cash, whats the problem? :angry:

The point is that these actions will do cock all to reduce the amount of theft, because the bent scrap dealers are in on the crime to make money themselves: totally pointless, useless idea!

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I`ve added my name but i`m not holding my breath.

I work on the roads with temporary traffic lights.

Each head takes four big batteries at almost £100 a throw. Nearly £800 for a two way set up.

In residential areas we don`t get many problems but out in the sticks the nomads are having a field day.

Apparently... and i say apparently the lead in these batteries is worth £20 to £30 per battery. Great for a nomad but it will cause someone their job at the depot.

We`ve padlocked, chained, bolted etc etc the boxes but the night is long and they have time................

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So the teef melts batteries down and gets the lead, then weighs it in....how does the proposed system help, seeming as its just a home made blob of lead and untraceable ? :hmm:


Nah, they just take them in as is to the less scrupulous dealers and accept that instead of 30 each they'll only get 20 but no questions asked.

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Too much time at the sharp end mopping up "honest joe" and his "och it's only a wee drop" attitude kicking me square in the plums when I have to add up all the wee drops at the end of a job... then pay for them.


...and what he may take will still only be a drop in the ocean compared to what the professional outfits manage. We had a block of 24 flats pretty much stripped of copper, much of the risers in 42, 35 or 28 mm as well as the flats in 22 and 15 all gone over a weekend. Served the developer right too. They were too tight to properly secure the building and paid for it! Another similar development in the same area was well fenced and padlocked, alarmed scaffold plus security cameras and alarms linked to the Police, wasn't touched. Cost of security, £3500. Cost of lost copper nearly £7000 plus labour to refit.

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I won't be signing it either as we weigh in all our off cuts of cable, offcuts of stainless and damaged electrical motors. We do get asked to get rid of the waste too by the company we contract to which if we took it to the tip would cost us a small fortune to get rid of and a load of paperwork hassle for no extra money. Instead we strip down the waste and weigh in what we can to cover our off duty time and efforts.

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There was a case round here a while ago, a gang were stealing empty aluminium beer kegs and melting them down. They made proper cast ingots, which they then sold to another firm who melted them down again with their own legitimate aluminium, then sold all legal, so how can you stop that?

They only got caught when they blew themselves up, otherwise they'd still be at it! :lol:

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Signed, I have heard of a lot of farmers having their trailers being nicked in the night and ending up at the scap yard in the morning. If this petition helps to create a system where the payment has to go through a bank account, then I'm sure it would have a positive effect on bringing down the theft of metals!



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They have always said cash is king the goverment have no control over cash the black market is rife vat is to high fuel duty is crippling industry,s and the people who are stealing all the scrap are eastern europeans we caught two stealing catnics off a site off ours and the police were not interested we made them take the catnics out of there vehicle and the police let them go as they said they couldnt speak any english




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