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recommended air rifle


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long range for the usual air rifle ive got a s410 but thats not shooting how it did when i first got it and i cant find a problem with it other than it fell over when leaning it on a fence and damaged the stock and left dents and the accuracy is still good but its now not shooting straight still getting pellet on pellet groups at 35yards and cannot come up with a solotion any advice if not a new recomened gut around the 5-600£ mark for hunting cheers

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yeah we need some more info my friend! If you're looking for a sub 12ft/lbs rifle - so a non FAC gun - then you're going to be limited to around the 50 yd range anyway. that would be long range for a sub 12. I have an AA S510 which at 40yds i can be confident of hitting a 5p piece 8-9 times in a ten shot mag and always be within a 2p, which is the sort of quality you'd want if you're after a hunter. a Weihrauch HW100 is going to match if not better that but it comes at a price. Those would be the two i'd recommend off the top of my head (there are loads out there though, it's just these two i know for sure are particularly good!).


This might be all irrelevant if you're looking for an FAC! if you're looking for longer range, people seem impressed with the Arms S410 XTRA FAC; i've not used one myself mind. There's a beast of a Daystate that is an 80ft/lbs, but from looking at the vids on youtube the range is pretty incredible; matched only by the incredible lousiness of the accuracy! too much power it seems...

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aha you posted as i was writing!


for your budget; the S510 is a possibility or a s/h Hw100? Also, i'm hearing good things about the BSA R10 mk2. i'm guessing you've got the scope and stuff if you do change the gun, so you might be able to get a pretty sweet deal on a gun only s/h?


have you had the gun checked over by a gunsmith? might be worth taking it along and explaining your situation but if it's still pellet on pellet at 35yds is there much of a problem? perhaps get the power checked as well...

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no i havent got round to getting it to a gun smiths yet. the problem i find is that if i was to go shoot a rabbit at 35 where its zeroed i would hit that and then go for one at 15 yards i would miss that too the left and at greater distances i would miss to the right which is annoying i have also been looking at the second hand daystate airwolfs have you any exsperience with them or know if they are as good as they are ment to be cheers

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Sounds like the knock it took has moved the position of the barrel band so the barrel is now cock-eyed. Look at your rifle from above to see if the barrel is exactly central on top of the cylinder, if it's not then loosen the barrel band, centalise the barrel and tighten, should be easy to fix. Might save yourself £500.

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Can i just say the problem your facing cannot be fixed by a different gun. Nobody - yep nobody can place ten out of ten shots onto a 2 pence piece at 50yds in normal field conditions If they could then FT shooting would be too easy, clear rounds would be the norm as the targets are 40mm at that range and only extend 5yds further. Have a look at the gear they use and the practice they undertake. If anyone wants to contradict that then prove it in top level cometition as you will win


My friend what you are looking for is an FAC :good:

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the reason i would like a new gun is that the gun ive got now is not shootin straight after it was dropped it was accurate before i have shot pigeons at 60- 70 yards before that is when i was testing the gun at longer range on a old card board box on a bench rest and the gun was gettin about a 1 inch grouping with 5 shots and there was a pigeon are in the tree above the target nd i have shot a few out of there but now misses the target to the right by about a foot

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the reason i would like a new gun is that the gun ive got now is not shootin straight after it was dropped it was accurate before i have shot pigeons at 60- 70 yards before that is when i was testing the gun at longer range on a old card board box on a bench rest and the gun was gettin about a 1 inch grouping with 5 shots and there was a pigeon are in the tree above the target nd i have shot a few out of there but now misses the target to the right by about a foot


Perhaps your range estimation just improved ahead of your knoledge of 12ftlb air limitations :rolleyes: Your gun might well need looking at the barrel band is a big issue with this model

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Sounds like the knock it took has moved the position of the barrel band so the barrel is now cock-eyed. Look at your rifle from above to see if the barrel is exactly central on top of the cylinder, if it's not then loosen the barrel band, centalise the barrel and tighten, should be easy to fix. Might save yourself £500.

This is good advice i had exactly this problem with my AA s400.

I loosened the barrel band and the barrel moved back in line. :good:

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