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Well it shows!


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Toting a rifle for months and months has made me a poor shot with a shotgun. Again.


Thats not stricktly true, I am just way out of practice and the gun I used needs it's stock dropping just a little. With the strong winds I let my dog go to see what she could flush. I left the rabbits, I been handling to many of them to bother with of late.


My little bitch worked as hard as ever flushing a few woodcock to which I shamed myself except for one. I was not to clever with the pheasants too :rolleyes:


It was good, humbling.



The second pic was taken as the light faded with the flash off, I liked the nuteral colours.





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That looks a fantastic gun, it looks like a pump action, what make is it? :good: Good shooting!

It is a Remmy 870 express in 20g, the rubbish varnish came off soon so I stripped it and oiled it with linseed. Much better.


The stock I altered but feel it just needs dropping a little more!


I was using Rio 7/8oz 6s, this gun don't like them too good, very blotchy patterns. Another gun no doubt will love them.



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